Message from @Caramon Majere

Discord ID: 785355494444630067

2020-12-05 23:01:51 UTC  

You go to any leftists Instagram it always says free Palestine

2020-12-05 23:02:36 UTC  

i saw a meme of "lesbians for palestine" and laughed my ass off lol

2020-12-05 23:02:46 UTC  


2020-12-05 23:03:11 UTC  

Are people actually this dumb that they don’t know they would be beheaded if they went there

2020-12-05 23:17:52 UTC  

oh yeah. Christians are always attacked, Jews too it seems. Dont really hear much about Catholics. But Muslims are always propped up and defended by the left, even when most of their core values directly oppose their "progressive" and "tolerant" message. fucking strange.

2020-12-05 23:19:18 UTC  

I never understood the hate for Israel. Im atheist. So I dont have any vested religious reason to love or hate them. I see them as a country being attacked by terrorists and people want the terrorists to win. I see them as a place where wars were fought for thousands of years until someone prevailed, and now we have an established country. Cant say the land was stolen when it was fought over for thousands of years.

2020-12-05 23:20:18 UTC  

Between the ACB hearings and restrictions on church services but not protests the left has always hated Catholics and catholic ideals. Joe Biden sued nuns bc they wouldn’t pay for other people abortions

2020-12-05 23:20:51 UTC  

The left always defends what we don’t like so no matter how bad it is or if it goes against there ideals they will support it

2020-12-05 23:21:17 UTC  

yeah, wasnt it "catholic" that joe biden claimed to be? a devout one that always carries a rosary?

2020-12-05 23:21:59 UTC  

Yea even though he was denied communion in South Carolina and today the arch bishop of Philadelphia said he should be denied communion

2020-12-05 23:22:49 UTC  


2020-12-05 23:23:20 UTC  

why doesnt the left hate him for being Catholic if they hated ACB for being Catholic? they are so backwards and hypocritical... so much cognitive dissonance.... it will always blow my mind.

2020-12-05 23:28:13 UTC  

They use people like him and Cuomo has pawns to say “we don’t hate Catholics look at Cuomo and Biden” even though they are both not catholic

2020-12-07 03:56:00 UTC  

I see that we should end the FICA tax for anyone being paid less than 20k annually. Even if someone is paid minimum wage, the FICA tax would drastically lower the amount. This is just my opinion on minimum wage as it does not increase or decrease the demand for workers as the employer is paying the same. Currently, FICA tax is at 7.65%. I am being paid 10$ an hour, or around 17,680$ annually, but FICA currently takes out 1,352$. This amount of money could easily buy many necessities.
Another point I want to make is, why does every other tax on a person involve levels to their annual income, the more you make the more on percent you are tax, but FICA is the same for all earning groups.
How does this sound as a workaround for the fight between increaseing/decreaseing minimum wage?

2020-12-07 03:58:11 UTC  

How much do you get back at tax time?

2020-12-07 03:59:03 UTC  

lets just say, I have nice employers, and we have a nice table we talk under

2020-12-07 03:59:11 UTC  

im just useing it as an example

2020-12-07 03:59:47 UTC  

You would get back nearly all of that $1,352

2020-12-07 04:00:19 UTC  

Single parents get back much more than that if they're under the poverty line

2020-12-07 04:01:54 UTC  

well, i tried. thank you

2020-12-07 04:02:21 UTC  

I'm all for changing the tax code

2020-12-07 04:03:04 UTC  

yea, I wished it was leveled like many others

2020-12-07 04:03:09 UTC  

I'd rather we go for a flat tax

2020-12-07 04:03:15 UTC  

No loopholes

2020-12-07 04:05:08 UTC  

I don't even care if its "flat"
Do that, and restructure our overall spending to get us outta the red.

2020-12-07 12:47:12 UTC  

Are the discord mods doing something? Is that why nobody can see pictures and it just says (insert something here).Jpeg

2020-12-07 12:47:35 UTC  

Or is it just my discord being retarded.

2020-12-07 12:53:40 UTC  

If pictures are being posted but no image, that's discord being borked, we allow images

2020-12-08 01:58:11 UTC  

how many mods are there

2020-12-08 15:10:02 UTC  

Should Tyler Zed Invite No BS for a YouTube livestream at some point this month or Jan 2021?

2020-12-08 15:41:35 UTC  

Does anyone still watch No BS?

2020-12-08 15:43:09 UTC  


2020-12-08 15:43:25 UTC  

I dont. A lot of people take a lot of issue with him, and I dont remember why.

2020-12-08 15:44:11 UTC  

I haven't seen any of his vids in a long time. I thought he got banned or something.

2020-12-08 15:48:38 UTC  

So abortion.... so if you kill a pregnant woman it counts as 2 counts of manslaughter but if you get an abortion its safe and legal!!!!

2020-12-08 15:48:49 UTC  

How does that make any sense!?!?!?!

2020-12-08 17:02:22 UTC  

Well. A child is not a human child if the parent(s) doesnt want it

2020-12-08 17:04:01 UTC  

Not true what so ever @isoboto

2020-12-08 17:34:33 UTC  

To allege that a child is not human until the parents want it is a modern obscenely absurd fairy tale. If you actually believe that you are so deceived!!!

2020-12-08 17:35:44 UTC  

According to his theory orphans are not children @DannyNC1

2020-12-08 17:38:39 UTC  

Right. It is delusional. You see, the thing is, once people legally permitted the abhorrent murder of children in the womb, all sorts of other insane things come along to prop it up, like this prevalent lie that has been pushed on people. To answer your question, one part of law recognizes an unborn baby is a real person, by charging 2 counts of manslaughter in said situation, but in another for reasons of convenience it is 'just a clump of cells.' Nazis went to absurd justifications for their abhorrent practices that if framed in objective situations would show what they really are.