Message from @[TDE] Smokie

Discord ID: 762163923457146900

2020-09-30 12:07:28 UTC  


2020-09-30 12:08:01 UTC  

Eh true Trump was also interupted more than biden by chris but thats politics for ya

2020-09-30 15:49:18 UTC  

> I disagree. Biden refused to give a single policy of his. The only policy he discussed was the "Biden" environmental plan, which he said that he didn't support the Green New Deal, yet his website says otherwise.
@Froski I completely agree with this statement, he spent much of the debate denouncing policies, but spent very little time discussing policies he would actually utilize. He talked well, and did a good job there, but it did nothing for the Biden Campaign other than tear down some previous ideals, which they'll probably default back to as soon as the debates are over. He was a good talker, but I would say Trump won because he did a better job of actually answering the questions and discussing policies and felt far more natural whereas Biden felt scripted.

2020-09-30 15:52:25 UTC  

I agree. Trump won. Plus, Biden had a sheet of paper with notes with him so...yeah.

2020-09-30 15:53:42 UTC  

Everything he said felt so scripted

2020-09-30 15:55:34 UTC  

And there were a few dead giveaways of it too, like when they asked about masks and he went off on this really eloquent speech that had very little to do with masks, the moderator said, "We're talking about masks right now" and Biden immediately switched to another speech about masks. No transition whatsoever, just started from the beginning of something else. It was weird

2020-09-30 18:20:55 UTC  

This is why I think Trump won. Biden was just hollow. He was parroting things back someone else wrote for him, he mainly lied about Trump/attacked Trump instead of talking about himself and his plans/policies (along with being the one that was name calling lmao, how ironic), and instead of actually arguing or debating he just spouted off a script, addressed the camera, and addressed the people. Trump cornered him several times to the point where he couldn't respond at all, probably because Trump went on about things they didnt script for Biden. There's no question Trump won. Especially since it was 2v1 at times with Chris Wallace screeching about "ITS BETWEEN YOU AND BIDEN, NOT ME!" and then interjecting himself more and more as the debate went on. (why they put a Democrat up there to moderate ill never understand) Trump did interrupt quite a bit and I won't defend most of it, but sometimes Biden straight up lied about Trump and what hes done/what hes doing, and you cant just let someone have the slanderous last word like that without getting to rebut it with facts, especially in something as televised and so widely viewed as the Presidential Debate. Trump's biggest, and possibly his only, downfall in the Debate was his lack of decorum. He held his ground very well though, and pressed the attack when it was the most crucial to do so, and thats proven by the way Biden was left speechless a few times like I said before.

2020-09-30 18:39:19 UTC  

Biden's hairy legs have more of a chance than sleepy creepy uncle joe.

2020-10-01 01:08:07 UTC  

They needed a button for ‘no win’

2020-10-03 02:01:38 UTC  

putting "democratic" in front of something doesnt change what it is. democratic socialism is still socialism, just as democratic rape is still rape.

2020-10-03 02:19:21 UTC  

@jenises well in democratic rape the majority would rule and make the rape "consensual".... just like in democratic socialism if 51% say they want to redistribute your assets the will take them and give them away.

2020-10-04 03:11:28 UTC  

Fun fact. 4 out of 5 participants enjoy gang rape

2020-10-04 03:12:43 UTC  


2020-10-04 03:12:47 UTC  


2020-10-04 03:12:52 UTC  


2020-10-04 03:13:33 UTC  

please no

2020-10-04 03:14:47 UTC  


2020-10-04 03:18:58 UTC  

It's bad too because I think it's sorta funny.

2020-10-04 03:51:38 UTC  

Nice. I see the Smokie is still clueless as to what is appropriate, and what is not. Ill give you help. That is not.

2020-10-04 03:55:47 UTC  

Yeap. He's got issues.

2020-10-04 04:07:19 UTC  


2020-10-04 04:12:09 UTC  

I mean tf did that come from?

2020-10-04 04:14:01 UTC  

Id suggest deleting it. But Smokie feels the need to be the only edge-lord allowed here. So I got nothing.

2020-10-04 04:14:23 UTC  

Pew pew pew

2020-10-04 04:15:27 UTC  

I mean I could easily say things that rival that but I don't feel the need to.

2020-10-04 05:45:10 UTC  

I laughed and I have ptsd from molestation

2020-10-04 05:45:18 UTC  

Good joke

2020-10-04 06:04:35 UTC  

I feel like if I ever said anything like that I'd get smacked with a bunch of warns lol

2020-10-05 18:12:07 UTC  

@Mauler For the poll, do you want us to fill out our real name?

2020-10-05 18:12:40 UTC  

if you want it's optional

2020-10-05 18:21:17 UTC  

I submitted mine. didnt use name, didnt really want to put my discord on there but I figured that you might be sorting them by discord tag and non-discord tag to make sure you get actual legit submissions

2020-10-05 18:29:09 UTC  


2020-10-05 18:43:58 UTC  

Does a public university count as public school? @Mauler

2020-10-05 18:48:34 UTC  


2020-10-05 19:32:12 UTC  

Same indoctrination effect.

2020-10-05 19:43:36 UTC  


2020-10-05 22:57:36 UTC  

@Mauler How come there is no spot for you to type what you think needs to be improved?

And a good question would be do you think teachers should be armed

2020-10-05 22:57:59 UTC  

cause it's an engineering project

2020-10-05 22:58:21 UTC  

we are just looking to see what people think of the school system

2020-10-05 22:58:59 UTC  


2020-10-05 23:02:35 UTC  
