Message from @ZSLiby Studios

Discord ID: 778012954128941066

2020-11-15 16:20:26 UTC  

Therefore, if we are to look to the Bible for precedent on the government and law, which has been done in America since the beginning up until recent history, the model is the OT. But, yet, it too is a mix, for there is a freedom of religion, which is a concept from the NT. So, that is why the government is based on Judeo-Christian values.

2020-11-15 18:14:30 UTC  

> As for economically, if I was a teacher reading your paper, I would urge you to find out why it is the case that it is more expensive as you say for the cost of prosecution. Sounds like people that are too compassionate have set up the rules on purpose to dissuade from capital punishment.
@DannyNC1 Or to prevent innocents from being killed at the hands of the state... And additionally, are you against separation of church and state?

2020-11-16 04:12:08 UTC  

@Froski regarding the Death Penalty:
Economically, it doesn't make sense, and some people know how to avoid the punishment. However, I do believe that the average person grows up fearing it and that has a good societal effect.

2020-11-16 04:36:08 UTC  

The only thing I think would make the death penalty more effective, and this is just a guess made based on standard psychology, would be public execution in some instances. Like a live stream or something. It would really teach people that it could happen to them if they don't follow the law. It sounds messed up, and it is, but it would have a better effect on crime

2020-11-16 06:03:07 UTC  

I think firing squad should be brought back but electrocution chair should not be a thing

2020-11-16 08:22:51 UTC  

@VirtualTools_ Your question has no connection to the statements you cited from me, though I suppose that was not the focus of your question but of your preliminary statement. I assume you think so from other things I've said here in this. To answer, no, absolutely not. I am in full favor of separation of church and state as initially set forth by the Constitutional framers and contemporaries. I have written on it, and I teach it and advocate it. As it was intended then, it is a Biblically Christian principle. However, it is not inherently a Catholic principle for they have been very intermixed with government through the centuries, even today--why would a church have ambassadors to governments and ambassadors of governments to them? They are acting like their own country, which is entirely foreign to the Bible. But, that is off topic since these are about polls here. If you want to discuss it more you can DM me.

2020-11-16 21:17:20 UTC  

@Rocci is he allowed to run again if he doesn't win?

2020-11-16 21:17:35 UTC  

in regards to the question is <#741520846484537404>

2020-11-16 21:17:51 UTC  


2020-11-16 21:18:38 UTC  

damn I've been wondering for a long time and I never got a straight answer thank you!

2020-11-16 21:19:30 UTC  

The 8 year term does not have to be consecutive.

2020-11-16 21:20:13 UTC  

awesome thanks for the confirmation!

2020-11-16 21:42:09 UTC  

Now, there are some loopholes to get around the 8 year term limit, and some that I think need to be fixed. The biggest one was something people thought Biden would do, and that was make Obama the VP. Meaning that if something happened to Biden, Obama would get to be president again without it being illegal.

2020-11-16 21:43:23 UTC  

@ZSLiby Studios Are you sure that’s legal? I’m pretty sure that’s illegal because to be vice president you have to have every qualification of being president, and if your time is president has expired then I would think that you couldn’t be vice president

2020-11-16 21:43:39 UTC  

No, it's perfectly legal

2020-11-16 21:44:29 UTC  

Nope, it is illegal

2020-11-16 21:45:10 UTC  


2020-11-16 21:45:15 UTC  

22nd Admendment

2020-11-16 21:45:30 UTC  

VPs can be pres but pres can't be VP

2020-11-16 21:45:36 UTC  


2020-11-16 21:45:43 UTC  

Hey, I can be wrong at times, right? At least I admitted I was wrong.

2020-11-16 21:45:50 UTC  


2020-11-16 21:47:08 UTC  

already a better person than half of the world

2020-11-16 21:55:41 UTC  

What if Obama took Nancy pelosi's position then Biden and Kamala got Hillaryied? That would make Obama president again.

2020-11-16 21:56:03 UTC  

Obviously not going to happen but what would happen then.

2020-11-16 21:57:04 UTC  

Obama still couldn't be president again.

2020-11-16 21:57:49 UTC  

Both the 12th and 22nd Amendments say that nobody who has been president for 2 terms can be president again.

2020-11-16 21:58:37 UTC  

12th says that?

2020-11-16 21:59:06 UTC  

I'm pretty sure it was just a formality until FDR had 4 terms and made the 22nd ammendment

2020-11-16 21:59:28 UTC  

12 says something along those lines

2020-11-16 21:59:51 UTC  

12 outlines how they're elected

2020-11-16 22:00:11 UTC  

I don't think it includes term limits

2020-11-16 22:00:32 UTC  

otherwise FDR wouldn't have been able to have 4 terms right?

2020-11-16 22:03:07 UTC  


2020-11-16 22:07:26 UTC  

There was no law against a president serving more then 2 terms till after FDR died in office.

2020-11-16 22:13:02 UTC  

Also, there has been a President before who won his first run, lost his second run, then won his third run. (Grover Cleveland)

2020-11-16 22:15:13 UTC  

sorry I forgot Roosevelt died in office. I just remembered it was made because of him

2020-11-17 22:04:49 UTC  

Children should not be used as a face for a political movement. Besides that, with the left habit of causing violence, I'd be scared kids would get hurt. We know Antifa has no problem beating weaker people.

2020-11-17 22:23:24 UTC  


2020-11-17 23:10:59 UTC  

I think only when you are armed

2020-11-17 23:20:25 UTC  

I may keep myself responsibly armed whenever I'm out but I still wouldn't want to subject any kid of mine or any kid to an unnecessary situation where defensive use would be needed.