Message from @Wardog

Discord ID: 785956825199149096

2020-12-08 04:53:52 UTC  

We have an order of magnitude stronger military, hard to invade, so yeah probably

2020-12-08 04:54:10 UTC  

only reason I say waffle is because too many restaurants screw up french toast :(

2020-12-08 05:57:44 UTC  

I actually don’t think we can take on the world, we have like a 30th of the worlds population

2020-12-08 06:05:57 UTC  

I say the US would have a decent chance to stale mate the world. We are the only country with the naval transport ability to move a large army and equipment across the ocean. Even China doesn't have the navel transport ability to even invade Thailand, and that's a short trip compared to crossing an ocean. Most counties (except China and Russia) also rely on US satellites for their military which we would cut off. We have the most and most advanced air craft carriers and supper carriers in the world which would be deployed to protect our cost. The UK only has a few last generation super carriers, and China's trying to build its first modern super carrier. In contrast, the US has 11 modern nuclear powered super carriers currently active with more being built. We have the second most subs, only loosing to North Korea for some reason. There are only a few ports in the US large enough for a large land invasion unloading, all of which are near military bases and would be protected. The oceans would also give large lead time for the US to defend against any incoming attack.

If you were able to get a military to the US, you then have to contend with the size of the US, geography, and general defiant nature of Americans along with our second amendment.

2020-12-08 13:35:25 UTC  

French toast is what’s up, guys.

2020-12-08 15:32:48 UTC  

I will stack all three options on top of each other and eat it like a diabeetus sandwich.

2020-12-08 15:33:01 UTC  

fuck that sounds good

2020-12-08 15:40:21 UTC  

Yes, it does. Especially if you throw some bacon and syrup in there, too.

2020-12-08 15:40:50 UTC  

<a:acheemsgulp:721824553411543131> <a:acheemsburger2:722400578595979355> <a:acheemsburger3:722400887414456400>

2020-12-08 16:46:30 UTC  

ww1&2 was won by the people back home, imagine all the populations of india, chine, indonesia and such, they wouldnt be as impactful but they could just throw a bunch of people and eventually become succesful IMO

2020-12-08 17:03:30 UTC  

I think unleashing the sun twice was what won World War II.

2020-12-08 17:06:56 UTC  

Also numbers don't guarantee a win, there have been many wars throughout history where a smaller army using untraditional tactics have defeated a significantly larger army.

2020-12-08 17:56:37 UTC  

Extra bacon

2020-12-08 18:04:30 UTC  

the rest of the world outnumbers the us by 7 BILLION so i think its too much

2020-12-08 18:04:49 UTC  

it also depends if the us is on defence or on the attack

2020-12-08 18:15:09 UTC  


2020-12-08 18:15:21 UTC  

If it’s defense I think we can stay good for a couple years

2020-12-08 18:15:52 UTC  

But is Obama was still in there would be no way because of the oil being sent from other countries

2020-12-08 19:10:51 UTC  

thats true, have to rely on like texas

2020-12-08 19:14:46 UTC  

Don't forget Alaska along with advancements in fracking and off shore drilling. If needed, we have the ability to supply our own oil.

2020-12-08 19:51:49 UTC  

Numbers matter sometimes, but superior firepower very quickly levels the playing field... figuratively and literally. See: Smith & Wesson, the great equalizers. And the majority of those 7 Billion are not military. Sure some of the shitty countries like China might force large portions of its population into military service, but thats not going to work out for several reasons. They wont be well trained, China still needs large amounts of people working in factories and whatever to produce everything needed for war and fighting, and such a massive influx of people into the Military is going to have its own administrative issues. Idk how well they would be able to deal with an influx like that... plus, like has been said multiple times, they dont have anything to transport all those people. This is all considering if the US is on the Defense. In this kind of situation, we would not be able to get very far on the offense. We would be in a lot of stalemates. See: History. Plus, thats when those numbers would start to matter in other countries, unless we bombed them into oblivion. But thats a lot of bombs and a lot of land area on their home turf.

2020-12-08 23:09:18 UTC  

The only way to win on an offensive would be too have spies in every country influence people and start resistances then it would eventually lead to an ideological war (most likely freedom vs tyranny)

2020-12-09 02:55:30 UTC  

I only have YouTube if I did have those other platforms I'd follow him there

2020-12-09 03:58:12 UTC  

Do we really have enough to back it up 100% with zero from other countries? Especially with much higher demand due to military fuel and manufacturing

2020-12-09 04:11:44 UTC  

For the military, we have a large emergency reserve just for that. We also already produce more then half our oil and only don't produce more because it's cheaper to import. That said, my quick research says if we kept our current usage, we would not be able to scale up our production to completely cover our need quickly if at all thou we could get fairly close. That said during an all out war, oil would likely be rationed like in WW2 along with soldiers being drafted and thus not driving would likely drop out need a good amount. The article I read said most of the US usage of oil is personal and commercial transportation that would likely be reduced during an all out war. One of the articles also said that our deficit of oil could be fulfilled from Canada and Mexico. If they have declared war on us anyway, taking control of the entire continent, especially the oil supply is only logical.

2020-12-09 04:15:26 UTC  

Canada isn't really a threat to the US military capability and Mexico we could likely bride our way to controlling it. Taking both counties would also protect the north and south boarders of the Continental US, providing more protection by guaranteeing those countries can't be used as naval landing and staging zones.

2020-12-09 04:17:14 UTC  

I imagine during all out war we could also bypass some of those environmental regulations around our extraction of oil.

2020-12-09 04:22:22 UTC  

Canada also has nuclear weapons, which while not a factor in this hypothetical war, would be important to take control of because in a real war you want to make sure a country that close can't easily attack you where you are least protected. We have a good relationship with our northern and southern neighbors so have less defensive capabilities set up along those borders.

2020-12-09 04:39:24 UTC  

Damn, i didn't consider that we COULD just take over the entire continent, thats amazing

2020-12-09 05:27:55 UTC  

Safe to say that most of us are here from YouTube. Lol

2020-12-09 17:33:05 UTC  

and most countries buy vehicles and weapons from the US, they wouldnt be able to supply enough to compete for am offensive attack

2020-12-09 17:35:58 UTC  


2020-12-09 17:36:02 UTC  


2020-12-09 17:39:39 UTC  

Here's a poll...

Which do you say more?

KAP (Keep America Great) or MAGA (Make America Great Again?

2020-12-09 17:52:21 UTC  

MAGA but that's mainly because I couldn't find much Trump apparel with KAP.
@unknownnnnnn BTW, if you want it to be an official poll, put it in <#725110151211778098>

2020-12-09 17:54:24 UTC  

oh whoops

2020-12-09 17:58:55 UTC  

wouldn't it be 'KAG'?

2020-12-09 18:15:29 UTC  


2020-12-09 18:31:22 UTC  

what about KAM

2020-12-09 18:36:54 UTC  

yeah, no kap. lmao

2020-12-09 20:49:58 UTC  

Minimum wage is a double edged sword for sure. I think having it is good because it ensures that we don’t start having Chinese-style underpaid labor camps or factories where workers get a few dollars a day. Just making sure people are paid reasonably.
The problem I have with it is that a lot of people think you can live off of minimum wage or even should be able to support a family. This is a frustrating misconception because those who are working minimum wage jobs are mostly working for the experience and then will move up from there. The minimum wage job is a stepping stone, not a career.
15 dollars per hour minimum wage is well known for bankrupting smaller businesses wherever it is implicated. Lots of medium size businesses have to lay off workers because they cannot afford to keep them.
Overall, I like that it exists, but it should stay low and only raise slowly as inflation forces it to.