Message from @Book
Discord ID: 776280291554754613
no no no plz spare me
Do it do it
have mercy!
ok. . . . . . .
back to political tests:
I dare someone to beat my score
@Mr.E_z Look, they messed up the wording on mine. It should say 94% not communist
yep, my score can't be beat. @Kaladin
i didn't know you were a commie, jk lol
I'm Cuban and so are my parents, they've seen the failure, and the evil of communism with their own eyes.
Trump 2020! Lez Go!
where can I take that test? I got a sore to beat...
Beat that sore. 💪
Where can I take this corona-phobia test? @TheCraziestOregonian ?
IDRlabs, along with that commie test
find out if you're a libtard today!
Thanks "Comrade" <:salut:730846445732888630>
Some of the questions are silly, but I believe the results of this test to be accurate.
Being afraid of Chinese people doesn't really have to do with being Corona-phobic and has more to do with being racist.
avoiding *Chinese citizens* on the other hand . . . . Perhaps justified, but then again why the hell are you afraid of a virus with a 0.02% death rate?
Most of the crap on this test HAS NOTHING to due with Black Americans
Same with this, HAS NOTHING to do with what it's original "supposed" agenda is. Goes to show how stupid libs are
yep, It goes to show you that, BLM is a Marxist organization. Just as their leaders admitted. Duh! Silly Libs. . .
There's a reason we're called the right and they're the left
Cause we're right and they ain't!
kek k
It's not oppressive to assume people are heterosexual. Wrong, maybe. But oppressive is overly dramatic.
Tbh kinda surprised about the Civil one, thought I was the opposite