Message from @President-Elect bhcowboy
Discord ID: 779416894074650644
ik, but it was on the test
basiclly my view on that is, im a man, that's how it is, im fine with that, im not better than a woman
that's my view on it
You think women have some benefits? I diagnose you with gender dysphoria! Lol
pretty much
here's mine
idk go bully me
Interesting. Are you a Trump supporter?
Just wondering
i dont support anybody
OK, do you generally agree with what Tyler Z says in his videos?
sometimes? idk
If you had to, would you consider yourself a Republican or Democrat? Or some other political party?
i dont know
Ok. Not a bad thing by any means
i dunno who to support or what party i consider myself
Well when I first took the test I didn't understand a lot of the questions and it put me right where you are
this is the first time i've taken it
Holy smokes! You're an actual fascist!
The eight values test matching algorithm is trash, frankly.
the politcal compass quizes are intentionally vauge, ben shapiro made a video on it
I'm like 3.8 to the right and 0.8 authoritarian now. But when I took it earlier I was 0.6 libertarian.
Which, I guess Christians are technically authoritarian since we put all of our trust and allegiance in God.
But when it comes to government, not at all.
The reason why I lean authoritarian is because I put strongly agree for the government limiting certain things because limiting those things would be morally good from the standpoint of my religion.
I’ve always been in favor of term limits
They seem like a good idea, but they aren’t exactly constitutional. So I have always been torn on the issue.
Constitution can be amended
@Smash Boy everything looks good imo except the authority and liberty. Imo it should be in the middle. But we all have different beliefs
It's more authority because I think order and stabilization should be our ends. Liberty I see as a means to that end. Liberty as an end in itself is what I see a major problem in America. True freedom is experienced through disciplinary means within a family and community. But you'll most likely disagree so we'll just leave it there.
On economic, it's centrist because some of the questions I genuinely had no certain answer, some I had to put agree or disagree with certain caveats, so yeah.