Message from @Book
Discord ID: 788597589175828491
You've never heard that?
The sentence isn't even a proper sentence
and half of these questions don't have alot of context or sense making
Shit I messed up
uhm....layman's terms?
that still don't make much sense
uhh... communism
oh okay
got it
so that's bad
depending on your views
Communism = Bad
all communism is bad
Communism and Socialism are evil
Basically that Marx believed that under socialism that everyone could get the supplies they needed
I see
What about "The means of production should belong to the workers who use them." Not quite sure what it means by that
That's communism 101, the workers own the company equally, rather than one person controlling it all
Yeah hell naw
gonna strongly disagree with that
Now you know that this quiz was created by a libtard, cause bruh, that has NOTHING to do with the quiz at all
To An Extent Yes, because it can be disrespectful not to.
When you're in Japan, it's rude to spit, It's rude to walk in somebody's house without taking your shoes off first, etc.
HOWEVER, Some Cultures may possibly have unreasonable BS, BUT if you're gonna enter a country, especially knowingly
that it has BS
you're on your own
Yeah, if you willingly move to a country due to it's values and culture, then you should assimilate to what you believed was so great
I got Right-Wing Populism
tf is Populism
Populism: a political approach that strives to appeal to ordinary people who feel that their concerns are disregarded by established elite groups.
"who feel"
Well if they only feel, that's their problem, unless they have proof that these Established Elite Groups are actually doing something wrong, Idgaf
most of the time the elite establishment (especially that had been there for a long time), don't function in the interest of the people. "feel" is more like "finally realized"