Message from @(PKA)THEBIGBOSS
Discord ID: 771184618442981386 ok this is so cursed Criiinge
ngl this is funny af
How society thinks police should do their job
This is why you make copies and don't mail something THAT important. Smh.
Tsk tsk tsk
this guy is actually hilarious
Holy shit that video/ad is so bad and so cringe. idiots.
.warn @Greatlife10 N-word is not allowed on the server.
> .warn @Greatlife10 N-word is not allowed on the server.
@Rocci Huh? Wait but when did I even say the n word?
@Greatlife10 The n-word was in the video you posted. (Now deleted to protect the viewers)
> @Greatlife10 The n-word was in the video you posted. (Now deleted to protect the viewers)
@Rocci If it’s the one with Biden, I don’t think I could find anything that had the N-word but okay I guess. I’ll try to be more careful next time
How the hell does anyone live in a 13 x 9 bedroom? My own closet it bigger than her bedroom at 10 x 20.