Message from @Deleted User

Discord ID: 741511862042099792

2020-08-07 00:16:34 UTC  

Still can't believe he not only said this, but *repeated it*

2020-08-07 01:20:07 UTC

2020-08-07 12:27:37 UTC  


2020-08-07 13:06:28 UTC  


2020-08-07 16:02:29 UTC  
2020-08-08 02:21:26 UTC  

I now see why Twitter is cursed

2020-08-08 02:34:41 UTC  

well...they believe they live in a democracy ...and he would be a traitor to it because he's trying to restore the full republic, which is what the usa really is ...a constitutional republic, and on that constitution...there is zero mention of the word 'democracy'

2020-08-08 17:55:07 UTC  

Funny conversation from my Grandma yesterday:
Grandma: I started watching a documentary about the Clintons from either the 1990s or 2000s, something not very recent because I was afraid maybe I was too bias against them.
(Short pause)
Grandma: I wasn’t. They are horrible people.
(Cut to me, my mom and my uncle all dying with laughter)

2020-08-08 20:14:04 UTC

2020-08-09 05:57:48 UTC  

@MoMo the Gulag that reminds me of Bladerunner and it makes a lot of sense. I knew a girl in university and she had a father who was involved with cloning sciences. When I brought these sorts of ethics up, she was just so naive and defended her father. I didn't know her father was involved with cloning. But, it makes so much sense to raise awareness of cloning and how they can be used as slavery and trafficking.

2020-08-09 06:25:30 UTC  

If they can cloning a dog or a lamb, certainly they can do it to human as well. Just look at Boris Johnson the UK PM, before he's checking into the hospital due to coof coof, his personality was a bit boyish, and loud. A month later he's out, he's totally a new person, sort of a Soy PM of UK. Just look at Beijing Biden, he looks different as well. The world has gone mad, it's sickening. @Red Jasper