Message from @MoonRose

Discord ID: 776847950718042132

2020-11-13 03:00:40 UTC

2020-11-13 05:03:06 UTC  

New tax proposed by a bank. Imagine my shock.

2020-11-13 16:29:19 UTC  

This was deleted on Twitter but my brother got a screenshot.

2020-11-13 16:29:34 UTC  

key word MADE

2020-11-13 16:29:36 UTC  


2020-11-13 16:29:40 UTC  


2020-11-13 16:30:43 UTC  

you can easy edit using inspect, I am not saying its false but every liberal will deny thats so

2020-11-13 16:30:58 UTC  

I have gone through Wisconsin as well. And there are like 2 Biden signs every 7 Trump signs

2020-11-13 16:31:32 UTC  

and hm?

2020-11-13 16:32:21 UTC  

Western, central and northern wisconsin is very pro trump. But I wonder about eastern Wisconsin and Madison.

2020-11-13 16:32:58 UTC  

Madison is bad, but Milwaukee is actually a little better this time

2020-11-13 16:33:06 UTC  

If that is a real tweet it’s archived

2020-11-13 16:33:47 UTC  

It's real.

2020-11-13 16:34:08 UTC  

My brother actually showed it to me before he refreshed the page

2020-11-13 16:34:46 UTC  

i dont believe that biden is using that twitter account

2020-11-13 16:35:15 UTC  

dems would not let him say anything in public without a script

2020-11-13 16:35:21 UTC  

cz he messes up always

2020-11-13 16:35:32 UTC  


2020-11-13 16:35:46 UTC  

Eric Trump also posted something Biden said

2020-11-13 16:36:24 UTC  

Biden said "We have put together the biggest election fraud in history"

2020-11-13 16:37:16 UTC  

''I never said that'' says Biden, looking at the video evidence

2020-11-13 16:37:27 UTC  

It’s not about weather I believe it

2020-11-13 16:38:12 UTC  

yeah. There is literally aa video of him saying that nd everyone denies it. Kinda funny actually.

2020-11-13 16:38:21 UTC  


2020-11-13 16:38:44 UTC  

The leftist scum are just being disingenuous

2020-11-13 16:38:58 UTC  

They damn well know

2020-11-13 16:41:04 UTC  

That’s why they don’t let Biden out of the basement, he always slips up

2020-11-13 16:42:52 UTC  

The top evil people will probably have to go to court lol

2020-11-13 16:44:37 UTC  

then they won't be able to be found innocent because they told so many lies they can't keep track of which ones they told so they will talk in circles and prove that they are guilty.

2020-11-13 19:25:00 UTC  

hey yall I need help with a wall of text someone sent me on a youtube comment that im too lazy to read

2020-11-13 19:25:07 UTC  

I don't have the energy to reply

2020-11-13 19:33:14 UTC  


2020-11-13 19:33:21 UTC  

How can I help?

2020-11-13 19:34:58 UTC  

I got this wall of text and don't feel like reading or replying honestly. Some of the things he thinks makes me loose brain cells.

"I find it ironic that you are asking for "numbers" while calling me braindead, because if you go back and read what i have said, you'll find that the only claim ive made about the death count of communism is that yours is WRONG because communism hasnt existed before. also, i find it insulting that you call me a radical liberal because i most definitely am not. liberals are pro-capitalism, meaning every ideology under the "liberal" umbrella is also pro capitalism. i am a leftist, and there is a huge difference between the two. other than being either pro or anti-cap, liberals want gun control while leftists, and in extension, i, are pro gun. (most) leftist ideologies want the abolition of money, class, and the state, because we understand that it is those things that keep a majority of the people in this world oppressed. liberals focus on a different group of oppressed and are fighting for their equality in the wrong way. liberals involve themselves in identity politics far more than any other type, while leftists dont concern themselves with that as much because we are aware that identity politics are a distraction from real issues."

What do you think of it?

2020-11-13 19:38:02 UTC  

Just don't repond. It's not worth your braincells

2020-11-13 19:38:18 UTC  

Garmin clocked me at the right amount of calories burned today

2020-11-13 19:38:36 UTC  

> Just don't repond. It's not worth your braincells
@JDCREW I agree but I feel like I need to restore some of his

2020-11-13 19:39:05 UTC  

My guy I've tried restoring some of those conversations and it just doesn't happen