Message from @Tsar Vladimir Putin
Discord ID: 727259492974067713
The only one I agreed with is death penalty cause I don’t think they should die I think rotting in prison might be a worse punishment
I’m black. Only ones I agreed with are to small extent prostitution as I don’t believe the government should regulate you consensually selling your own body and I put neutral on drug offenses as I don’t support locking up users but I do support locking up cartel members, violent drug dealers and drug suppliers.
I think the issue for the drug offenses one is use is iffy, but I think selling drugs is an issue. The issue with that test is the all or nothing way everything is set up.
Yea if I looked at it as all of nothing I’d have 0%.
>when your black friend gets a lower score than you on the blm test
I got a 9% on that test
I'm seeing 13's and 14's
I got 3%
I got 19 percent
Press F to pay respects
imagine thinking that absolute bogus test was accurate
Imagine realizing that bogus test is exactly accurate with what they want.
> Imagine realizing that bogus test is exactly accurate with what they want.
That scares me lmao
@Tsar Vladimir Putin me too. And I believe this coming election is going to be the, if not, one of the final catalyst, no matter the outcome.
Its going to trigger the violent left if trump wins. And its going to trigger the right if he loses. Blaming it all on whats going on right now. This is a very pivotal point in American history right now..
Freedom comes at a cost, but at what cost are we willing to sacrifice to protect it?
Hey I got 1% on the test, so I'm part of their imaginary 1% now?
I have made two skits/sketches I made out of chaz
@diesel0070 It would be interesting if Trump lost because it could show how differently the right reacts to a loss than the left in 2016.
Your concept of interesting is different than mine. Although I hear your point, with respect, I think you're missing mine. If it is just a loss, then it will be just a loss. Facts are easily proven. And the fact is, this country is in trouble, and it didn't start 4 years ago.
Lois: Uh oh petah the Clinton's are here