Discord ID: 732247237815435296
Makes me wonder what's going to happen with that half of Oklahoma that's a giant Indian reservation
The Indian resurvatinions that I know are basically democratic socialist wastelands
one giant casino
The one I lived next to took all their government reperation money to start a casino
Then one dude ran off with all the money
And everyone lived in poverty
The end
Except the checks they got in the mail every month that they either gambled away or used to get big trucks they couldn't afford
oh so florida
No it was in South Carolina
Too true
facts matter except to liberals for some odd reason
i guess they're suicidal/genocidal ....but would explain them supporting abortion and 72 extra genders they have
I just think they're delusional
Why did this make me laugh
@MeanKid Are you a time traveler that is trying to make a confession 👀
Kinda ironic with all the blm stuff lol
i heard over 50% of American welfare goes to both illegal and legal immigrants. meme in <#724106950018596964>
The furries are back in my recommendations
Leave me alone youtube
Oh God. I'm sorry.
It happens every month or so
it's really random
I get so mad every time I hear "US has 4% of the population but 25% of the cases"
There's differences in case reporting by we should look at the deaths
and here how's each country fares
China is hiding how many they have, the US is reporting anything they can. There's a difference.
I'm just talking about our hysterical public and media who keeps trying to paint is as doing worse off than Europe
Even the recent spike, people are hysterical...but it was mostly young people from the protests in non-saturated states....meaning there were very few resulting deaths.