Message from @Meryl.140.15

Discord ID: 732298337709064313

2020-07-13 17:08:35 UTC  

I'm just talking about our hysterical public and media who keeps trying to paint is as doing worse off than Europe

2020-07-13 17:09:03 UTC  

Even the recent spike, people are hysterical...but it was mostly young people from the protests in non-saturated states....meaning there were very few resulting deaths.

2020-07-13 17:09:15 UTC

2020-07-13 17:09:23 UTC  

Tldr, american news is clickbait

2020-07-13 17:09:58 UTC  

We need to share some of this information though....this is the biggest thing hurting The president's re-election chances...and people are buying the distorted depictions of reality

2020-07-13 17:41:17 UTC  

> We need to share some of this information though....this is the biggest thing hurting The president's re-election chances...and people are buying the distorted depictions of reality
@notJustin43 add my mom to the people buying the distorted depictions

2020-07-13 17:42:54 UTC

2020-07-13 17:43:05 UTC  


2020-07-13 17:47:27 UTC  

not exactly the location..but it might be in the trunk if the car is owned by epstein

2020-07-13 17:59:03 UTC

2020-07-13 18:04:20 UTC  

I think the video is mixing up "injustice" with "privilege"

2020-07-13 18:05:31 UTC  

or are they the same? <#724105162741907467>

2020-07-13 18:07:35 UTC  

well if we strip away all privileges and treated women equally the men treating them like men...they'd have to get their own dam shit, pay for 1/2 of everything and if they strike first in a fight, expect to get hit back by a man almost instantly

2020-07-13 18:09:21 UTC  

ok... but the video was talking more about like injustice like women suing sperm donors for child support. that's not privilege that's just downright criminal

2020-07-13 18:10:00 UTC  

i never really understood why men donated their sperm anyway, seems like a bad idea in general but it seems like they would have legal protections if they donated?

2020-07-13 18:10:30 UTC  

i mean donated correctly, to like a sperm bank not just cum in a cup and let a woman baste it in her

2020-07-13 18:10:48 UTC  

technically they didn't donate their sperm...they sold it

2020-07-13 18:11:02 UTC  

most sperm banks pay for good donors

2020-07-13 18:11:21 UTC  


2020-07-13 18:11:37 UTC  

i get that

2020-07-13 18:12:09 UTC  

i mean i don't get donating or "selling" sperm but i get what you're saying

2020-07-13 18:12:20 UTC  

but i have heard some stories where women have taken the condom out of the trash just to trap the guy into support/marriage via a child

2020-07-13 18:12:53 UTC  

also some of them do it for welfare checks

2020-07-13 18:13:09 UTC  

In countries like saudi arabia they sign a contract when hooking up, to prevent that very situation

2020-07-13 18:13:10 UTC  

that's messed up but i feel like some of this comes with the territory of being promiscuous which is bad in general

2020-07-13 18:13:50 UTC  

i knew a few local families that had to be unmarried just so they'd get welfare checks from the state while their desired mates had to live elsewhere

2020-07-13 18:14:12 UTC  

they didn't "have" to, seems like a choice was made

2020-07-13 18:14:47 UTC  

few of them shared the same house just to cut costs on expenses to harvest welfare ..when it was more expensive to get married and be with a dedicated spouse

2020-07-13 18:15:00 UTC  

ya...a money choice

2020-07-13 18:16:10 UTC  

People choose to donate sperm for a quick buck but....

2020-07-13 18:16:19 UTC  

i find it interesting we go from 'girls gone wild' on campus a few yrs later with 'anti rape culture from triggered college students'

2020-07-13 18:16:31 UTC  

yeah i don't understand the whole donating sperm, like even for money it's sketch

2020-07-13 18:17:06 UTC  

cuz you don't know who that sperm is going to, yknow

2020-07-13 18:17:22 UTC  

well theres a reason for anonymous double blind decent sperm banks the donor doesn't meet the kid, and vice versa

2020-07-13 18:17:53 UTC  

might end up going to a greek yogurt factory ....u never know

2020-07-13 18:18:12 UTC  

i laughed my ass off at that article

2020-07-13 18:18:15 UTC  

Oh you just.... I was eating

2020-07-13 18:18:30 UTC  

i don't do yogurt

2020-07-13 18:19:08 UTC  

Guys is Obama also a pedo??🤢🤢

2020-07-13 18:19:52 UTC  

could be

2020-07-13 18:20:17 UTC  

i wonder where the obama girls came from because michelle is a male so..