Message from @Spear_Brave
Discord ID: 732514375574880286
I wasn't able to find any Goya food at my super market because it sold out
few of the neighbors hit food banks....they give me all the beans for some odd reason
My head hurt
All I know is this shit gay ass hell
Life Hack- When you are warned about talking in one of the memes only channels. There is no need to talk again by explaining why you were talking.
that would help
@[TDE] Smokie I'm stealing that first one
Lol. Steal away
Day 2 of posting spicy memes in normie server
Still not banned yet
However, one of them got deleted. But I think I shifted the Overton window that way.
the Overton Window is the window that makes things seem centerist
it has been shifting to the left nonstop for the past IDK, 50 years
that would look so good trimmed
I'll try hold up
Best I can do right now
I personally made that one
More like time for super male vitality lol
Just tweeted the plot of this tweet a week ago lol
Homeschooling will be the new norm
It already is, and everyone gets an A+
he is literally a meme factory
Haha Owen is like wtf????
What in the holy fluck
w h a t t h e f u c k i s t h at
What do you call a math class full of SJWs? Triggernometry.