Message from @notJustin43
Discord ID: 732746200012423198
The final season wasn't as good as the others
I found Jamie’s Twitter. He doesn’t say much about woke stuff so I think he’s still kinda sane. The last thing he did was show off his new fire fighting tank for wildfires.
lol thats cool
but ya Smokie when I saw they didnt have the mythbuster the real ones Jamie and Adam I stopped
Adam has completely lost it for years. Sad that I enjoyed mythbusters
And seeing what’s happened
and now i've completely stopped rewatching too
The show kinda became too scripted near the end of the original show
Wanna explain that in English?
Cases up, but deaths are down.
Also, 420 deaths per million.
Blaze it
It means the US has a lower death rate per capita than most of the other countries listed
How's that "free" health care working for ya now, Europe?
You get what you pay for <:thinking:726878987837636698>
@Deleted User they can be here thou <:thinking:726878987837636698>
Well here is what is likely the reason for that there's just not much you can do to treat most viruses, including this one (other than ventillation and basic medication for secondary infections)
It means our cases are likely vastly over-reported, meaning we have probably reported many more mild cases
(and I wouldn't be surprised if our tests had many false-positives)
Meaning, per-capita...we are likely doing no differently than these European nations
...but since Trump is the president...the entire world only looks at surface-level statistics to make our administration look bad
Basically...the media and circle-jerking "scientists" in academia are only looking at and believing what is convenient for them, as always.
...and people with my viewpoint wont' be part of the discussion, for fear of being ridiculed and loosing their job
.....always must support "Orange Man Bad"
God, they're all's why I left academia
Rant over, sorry 😔
Might not be the best room if you want anyone to actually read that...@notJustin43
I read it just fine, it added to the conversation
I think discussion around memes should be allowed since it gives insight and context
> Might not be the best room if you want anyone to actually read that...@notJustin43
@[TDE] Smokie You're right, but this is the only place for the photo accompanying it, right?
I mean. I didnt read it so... lol
Was it about a meme you posted?
Or one someone else did?
it was about an earlier one that had to do with a statistic