Message from @Tripolic X
Discord ID: 732757312669745162
.....always must support "Orange Man Bad"
God, they're all's why I left academia
Rant over, sorry 😔
Might not be the best room if you want anyone to actually read that...@notJustin43
I read it just fine, it added to the conversation
I think discussion around memes should be allowed since it gives insight and context
> Might not be the best room if you want anyone to actually read that...@notJustin43
@[TDE] Smokie You're right, but this is the only place for the photo accompanying it, right?
I mean. I didnt read it so... lol
Was it about a meme you posted?
Or one someone else did?
it was about an earlier one that had to do with a statistic
Oh. Then this is the place
Just one LONG ass message. 🤣🤣
Yea, lol my bad
Honestly though, kinda disappointed with Mitt as a senator from my State. RINO
We have too many terrorists in the USA
Change my mind
AKA democrats.
We got any meme creators here?
@Deleted User facts
Because Burger King is all about the Cow Farts.
Meme template?
> Here's a cold-towel for those caught up in media hysteria:
@notJustin43 can I ask the source on that? I'd like to be able to cite it myself for use. Thanks!
@Deleted User I'll make a meme using that template right now, So I'd like to ask what are you envisioning for this meme to say?