Message from @BaseMonkey
Discord ID: 735329969521033237
the amount of rickrolls just posted are unbearable
ur supposed to read the headlines, not the actual articles
This cracked me up
i don't like broccoli so i feed it to my dog who does like it
therefore keeps me from eating the dog turds
@Spooky Scary Stalin not really, the face mask aint that good, the cloth ones are actually worse than good, and the corona going through it is like a mosquito through a chain-link fence
Face masks have been proven to be effective in many cases. The primary purpose of masks is to prevent the user from spreading the virus to others.
But it mainly spreads through prolonged contact indoors
Someone infected would have to be there for a long time
Not really, it can spread easily outdoors as well, and I believe that sacrificing this small amount of liberty in order to keep people safe is worth it.
In fact, masks are more effective than lockdowns. If more people wore masks in public, maybe we wouldn’t need these prolonged lockdowns.
Benjamin Franklin once said: "Those who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety."
Funny thing is, if you just asked people most would agree to wear a mask
For some though, being forced to with no choice makes it an issue
Personally, I think if people were more responsible AND we weren't forced to do anything, everyone would be happy
I think if they were honest about data and agendas it wouldnt be a problem
That would be freaking great
wait a few yrs...her future will most likely be in porn since she's too screwed up for anything else
@Spooky Scary Stalin dude like 99.95% wear mask here
> Benjamin Franklin once said: "Those who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety."
@LegoGenius16 I agree, but in cases like this, I think we have to make an exception.
> @Spooky Scary Stalin dude like 99.95% wear mask here
@AG I doubt it.
There have been surveys conducted on this issue, but I doubt that they can be trusted, due to the fact that people who don’t wear masks in public will generally be inclined to say that they do.
If people wore masks more often, people would be happy, and we probably wouldn’t have to require that masks be worn in public. However, due to the individualistic culture here, there’s a certain amount of defiance that’s not seen in most other developed countries. This is one of the few times where the well-being of the collective should be prioritized.
I dont get it tho
"lets force them to wear masks"
okay no
i simply dont agree with it
its for "keeping everyone safe"
okay but.....
we shouldn't mandate vaccines tho
just for "safety of others" there is freedom here, and if your free until there's a scary flu going around and they start trammeling your rights are you really free?
but think of everyone else
get that vaccine
i aint