Message from @roku-hokage
Discord ID: 742846415906013334
You can’t spell “Pride Month” without “demon” 👌
Oofda never noticed that
I'm stealing that phrase
That is a Minnesotan phrase. You leave it out of your unpure mouth!
"Pride Month" - "de Mon" =
"Pri th".
"Prith" in the urban dictionary means "Enormous" or "Hulking"
We got em boys
Guess it isn't just three digit numbers @jose2003tj was a missed opportunity for him to say hes a monster
There are no black dragons? That's racist. XP
> @jose2003tj was a missed opportunity for him to say hes a monster
@ALousyUsername I just mainly off another sever
i didnt think it was yours
i just wanted to comment on it
and thought i would @ you as well
@Red Pill Memes i learned to question everything i hear about a year ago and now i feel like I know what is actually going on
mabye even 3 years ago
the covid was always there...just waiting for u to enter the number
The liberals on Twitter who wanted Warren to be the pick
Do you think bernie sender would have been picked as VP if he wore a dress?
He didn't smell as good as kamala
This is kinda what keeps me from leaving California.
I’m not liberal, but I’m afraid if I take a step into another state I’ll be met with quite a bit of hostility.
They been talking about it for years. It's a the working gundam
A weapon to surpass metal gear, giant gundam bot
Or IRL the Nukes
Idk that bot might have some advantages for all 10 seconds where it has all its limbs.
Who knows, what if they can keep the limbs on
It'll be ready by december and it will start skynet to end this crazy year that we call 2020