Message from @mathgrant
Discord ID: 745004483355869698
The memelord title comes when you either (a) win the meme-of-the-week contest or (b) your meme is used in a video.
And you know that nazi defunding
The first thing i find is HITLER DID NOOT BAN POLICE
Google defending hitler
I mean like do you get access to any channels or something when you get meme lord or is it just for show
It is just for show.
Ok thanks
They got me
``he can't help you here``
Praise these memes man! 😂😂😂
> ``he can't help you here``
@Icarus Aresane
well then
Yo nice baka Mitai meme
That man in the Trump meme section walking his... dogs... is not wearing his mask right. come to think of it, most people in that photo are not wearing them right.
That might be the best thing I have read all day <:LUL:364044273617862668>
I don’t think they know about Shadow of the Colossus...
I left my local furry group because of a guy who wears a pup hood in his avatar and offline. Didn't want normies seeing me around that. And they don't want my closed-minded ass back, either.
Pup hoods? Those creepy leather dog masks that people wear?
Yes 🤮
have you seen the one with the british police officers
that donut had a while back
To be clear, I have a hoodie of my fursona, so it's not the "pretending to be an animal" that makes me sick. It's just. . . pup hoods look unappealing to me.
I am so glad I’m getting myself out of femdom bdsm... I hated that I found it, I hated that I almost liked it, and I really don’t want to get into it again.
They're obviously BDSM gear, not meant for use outside of a bedroom.
I never participated in it or actually talked to anyone about being interested, but I did regrettably vet the dark side of my mind into “Fan Art” but now I’m getting back into wholesome things.
What’s also extremely unsettling are the horse hood masks... Those can get very disturbing...
have you seen the british officers with the two people in pup masks
No. I don’t think. And I don’t think I want to.