Message from @Nintendo Pigeon
Discord ID: 747537598167122041
I couldn't resist. 😂
It seems 2020's been plaing on a loop.
I cannot refute you
<:Clyde:594203084058787841> <:gun2:514858071256727562> 🦊
So @mathgrant we have the Amish for Trump meme, where are the Furries for Trump memes?
The Confederate flag fursuiter's my favorite!
@qwerty_😎 <#724105162741907467> Does that belong in <#733948098694348800>, or is it predicting that Joe Biden will win in 2020 and then Kamala Harris will replace him and also fail at controlling the pandemic? I mean, it's using a pig as a symbol of the President, so it must be a cop.
🤔 ur right it does send mixed messages
Lemme work on a better caption for it 👍
It's supposed to be pelosi
wait ya
This is guaranteed to increase your chances of getting your ass kicked at a BLM riot by at least 500%
<:Idiots:720119404020367390> lemme repost that
Everyone needs to stop spamming.
okay so i made a meme
since im playing alien Isolation
and i watched the Alien (1979)
Great game. I couldn't beat it <:dogekek:726878872607653918>
Good meme, good game
When the mods tell you to stop talking in a meme only chat
Then by all means carry on @SYG Soap you have two more attempts before the bot kicks you off the server.
lol ik
this is what jojo fans see when they die