Message from @Jwolf

Discord ID: 748015142419169331

2020-08-26 03:02:17 UTC  

so if Ghost ever propositions me, I know how I am supposed to respond..

2020-08-26 03:02:42 UTC  

simps in this chat

2020-08-26 03:02:42 UTC  

This is descending into a clusterf***

2020-08-26 03:02:46 UTC  

I have had a few drinks πŸ™‚ and am in a good mood after another twitter ban πŸ˜„

2020-08-26 03:02:49 UTC  

no apparently im the dad

2020-08-26 03:02:53 UTC  


2020-08-26 03:02:56 UTC  

hes drunk

2020-08-26 03:03:07 UTC  

not drunk... just feelin good sir

2020-08-26 03:03:12 UTC  

If I had a nickel for every time nickelback gave a nickel back, would I then have nickelback's nickel back and feel nickelback has my back in nickels?

2020-08-26 03:03:54 UTC  

wtf.... why is there a mod named @Jwolf who made this....

2020-08-26 03:03:56 UTC

2020-08-26 03:04:01 UTC  


2020-08-26 03:04:11 UTC  

You have a problem?

2020-08-26 03:04:20 UTC

2020-08-26 03:04:21 UTC  

Too bad, grow up bud.

2020-08-26 03:04:26 UTC  

oh @Knotty, you just f'ed up

2020-08-26 03:04:37 UTC  

no I am just laughing :/ cuz I find the name funny

2020-08-26 03:04:49 UTC  

Residential Tranny vs Resident Evil... I see no difference

2020-08-26 03:05:02 UTC  

Do you have a problem with Trannies?

2020-08-26 03:05:07 UTC  

Just wondering

2020-08-26 03:05:09 UTC  

okat are we certain Knotty aint drunk

2020-08-26 03:05:10 UTC  

I second @Jwolf suggestion regarding folks here growing up.

2020-08-26 03:05:20 UTC  

meme-talk just turned into a meme

2020-08-26 03:05:26 UTC  


2020-08-26 03:05:31 UTC  

mods.... we should back up. Tranny has the floor.

2020-08-26 03:05:37 UTC  


2020-08-26 03:05:40 UTC  

IDK it is like 40% of me has issues with them.. then the other 70% says I don't...

2020-08-26 03:05:55 UTC  

Check you math there bud

2020-08-26 03:06:10 UTC  

bruh there is no meth ere

2020-08-26 03:06:16 UTC  

I swer

2020-08-26 03:06:29 UTC  


2020-08-26 03:06:40 UTC  

I didn't pull a hunter biden okay... I don't do that before debates and speeches

2020-08-26 03:06:45 UTC  

I have made my conclusion.

2020-08-26 03:07:05 UTC  

am I in trubble?

2020-08-26 03:07:09 UTC  

@Knotty you've had your fun. Best to settle down now.

2020-08-26 03:07:30 UTC  

was fun πŸ™‚ had a good time ty all πŸ˜„

2020-08-26 03:08:26 UTC  

have a good night all, Imma hit the bed and pass TF out <:salut:730846445732888630>

2020-08-26 03:09:12 UTC

2020-08-26 03:09:41 UTC  

I don’t believe the experience was shared, nighty night.

2020-08-26 03:32:23 UTC  

"Who sang this here album?"
"Donna Summer."
"And how would her name appear in a telephone book?"
"Summer, Donna?"
"S-s-s-summer Donna simmah down nah!!"