Message from @Dr Badass PhD
Discord ID: 748362205237477456
10 miles north of the Illinois border
those guys were all crowding around this guy with a gun, as if he wouldn't use an expensive gun...
i mean
i would fear for my life
at that point
you know you are going to get beaten
possibly to death
i saw some laser pointers
@spoon oon a cunt who fucked and around and found out
if i get a laser pointer shone in my eyes, i instinctively get kinda fucking spooked and pissed
or shone anywhere near me
Fun fact, this is a bug that the devs decided to turn into a feature
XD I don't know what to say to that
That's a hi point isn't it
Truly a martyr
@Eric M. Please move your comment in <#724105162741907467> here. Don't want you to get a warning
ooh ok sorry i'm new here 😦
That's okay, thank you for understanding
*Black man gets shot by police*
Target: Ah shit, here we go again
Recycled scissors.
Trump MMXX
Hey guys
Wanna hear something
Leftists made free healthcare in Australia
Oh no
who the hell care about australia?
Liberals in Australia are equal to Republicans in America
The main parties are Liberal and Labor