Message from @Darth Vader
Discord ID: 750105189045764208
best describes as A series of Tubes
(Pyro ref)
May i add can we have a new meme dump for the Obama's?
they are starting a podcast, and there are a ton of memes of them
lol. jinx @KumquatLord
just asked in Suggestions
you have to use the bot command, otherwise it doesn't go through
dang i gotta wait an hour
eh its not that important
@6H0$T 👻😈 I'm sorry, I don't know what "Racial slur" I used?
I would like clarification to avoid future incidents.
> The term pedophilia is offensive, the politically correct term is pedosexual.......... dear god do I wish that was just sarcasm 😩
bro are you pedophobic????
you think i'm for real?
I don't know sometimes. there is allot of weird stuff going around.
most of the time when i speak it's only to have a comedic effect
i just realized i'm in the meme chat
I'm just trying to get clarification of what "Racial slur" I used that warranted a warning, so as to not make the same mistake in the future. If @6H0$T 👻😈 could tell me in a PM I'd be ok with that. I'm just trying to stay in good standing.
right now he's idle meaning discord hasn't detected any movement on his browser
you can DM him or just wait until his status goes back to online
Well they gave me the warning and I assume deleted my post so I have no idea what it said.
that happened to me once
i posted a screenshot of my joe biden troll twitter account and the tweet was racially satire and i still got warned for it
you can just wait until he responds, you've already pinged him twice
Oh, are you the one who runs the Joe Bliden account?
This has to be a psy op...
Has to be ? If you get Pepe fighting the bear memes, it could be real
the issue with Gun Vending machines
Wonder if they have sig p320s in it
I hope not tho