Message from @Herb_Merc

Discord ID: 758481161042264085

2020-09-23 23:53:34 UTC  

But the point is that most mental problems don't go away with physical changes

2020-09-23 23:53:42 UTC  

oh you guys are talking about gender? I watched a documentary RT, called "I want my sex back" it left me in tears. It's really good & eye opening.

2020-09-23 23:53:49 UTC  

which is why he's so different now because he's not getting programmed anymore

2020-09-23 23:53:51 UTC  

But yeah no, after thinking about it in my head, Nazi Germany is literally the best example of Socialism working, and one could argue that it only succeeded because they were destroyed in war too soon for them to completely fail. Under the man with the postage-stamp moustache, Germany took control of a large part of their industry and started making products to the state's specifications (See: Command Economy). Nationalism did play a large part in the success of the Nazis (Just as it did in Russia up until Stalin started pushing for more satellite nations). They saw massive increases in overall quality of life, happiness, and technological improvements because Hitler saw that the first thing that was necessary to pave out a sucecssful future for Germany was a new infrastructure, cars and planes to take advantage of it, and then eventually military technologies and tactics that would eventually lead to scientific breakthroughs the world had never seen.

2020-09-23 23:54:06 UTC  

dude they used forced labor

2020-09-23 23:54:11 UTC  


2020-09-23 23:54:11 UTC  

and had huge nationalism

2020-09-23 23:54:27 UTC  

also they were "fake private ownerships"

2020-09-23 23:54:31 UTC  

actually nazi germany existed after hitler and the german military were wiped out

2020-09-23 23:54:34 UTC  

That's entirely my point.

2020-09-23 23:54:34 UTC  

@Deleted User Kanye has insisted Get Out was written about him. Poor Kanye, they have f'ked with him hardcore. I hope he really can Get Out.

2020-09-23 23:54:37 UTC  


2020-09-23 23:54:48 UTC  


2020-09-23 23:54:53 UTC  


2020-09-23 23:55:33 UTC  

Hitler seized command of the German Economy, using the guise of Nationalism to justify the control of companies like Volkswagen, messerschmit, Porsche, Krupp, and Rheinmetal.

2020-09-23 23:56:09 UTC  

The companies still existed, but their Autonomy was beholden to the will of the Fuhrer

2020-09-23 23:58:06 UTC  

i pretty much think once socialism infection is purged from the corruption of history, we'll soon see what the real truth was for both sides of the wars over the few hundred yrs ...alot of it has been corrupted or changed to fit somebody's sick narrative

2020-09-24 00:01:38 UTC  

Always will be.

2020-09-24 00:02:03 UTC  

Oh, and that was the other thing about Nazi Germany that lines them up with Socialist/Communist failed experiments

2020-09-24 00:02:46 UTC  

Communism/Socialism uses the Rich as the villain, Naziism did something similar but targeted Jews. Why them I'm not sure.

2020-09-24 00:13:20 UTC  

Can someone please explain?

2020-09-24 00:14:59 UTC  

go watch the movie 'soldier'

2020-09-24 00:23:38 UTC  

Soldier, or read up on Sparta. There's more out there but it's lost on me rn

2020-09-24 00:26:23 UTC  

sparta was dope man

2020-09-24 00:29:08 UTC  

Meanwhile I'm having a debate with one of my centrist/left leaning friends

2020-09-24 00:29:20 UTC  

"The Rich are richer, but the Middle class are still the middle class and the Poor are still poor"

2020-09-24 00:30:29 UTC  

I have a friend who claims to be center left, but he’s actually voting for Biden and there’s nothing I can do to take him out of all his misinformation.

2020-09-24 00:31:27 UTC  

Basically where I'm at

2020-09-24 00:31:31 UTC  

ask him this, is ur friend voting for the real joe biden, or the actor posing as him on the tv ads and press conferences

2020-09-24 00:31:52 UTC  

I don't even want him to change his vote. I just want him to stop believing the lies

2020-09-24 00:31:57 UTC  

He would probably be a whole heartedly Trump supporter or at least be open to it if he didn’t believe in so many lies...

2020-09-24 00:32:21 UTC  

@Rev I tried that and it never worked for two years.

2020-09-24 00:32:37 UTC  

I gave up.

2020-09-24 00:32:55 UTC  

We promised to never talk about politics again.

2020-09-24 00:33:16 UTC  

We'll never stop talking politics because we both enjoy it

2020-09-24 00:33:21 UTC  

if i was voting, i'd vote for trump...but i think i'd want my city cleared of corruption first, last time i voted against the preferred dem in this city, they doxed and punished me

2020-09-24 00:33:23 UTC  

Right now though we're on Economics

2020-09-24 00:33:38 UTC  

He's under the presumption that I stated before

2020-09-24 00:33:46 UTC  

and i never mentioned in public nor online who i voted for

2020-09-24 00:33:48 UTC  

"The rich are still rich but everyone else isn't getting richer!"

2020-09-24 00:34:03 UTC  

I'm waiting on his response but he basically stopped to go do something with the line 'We're going to see the first Trillionaire with Bezos"