Message from @TRLGuy
Discord ID: 766308848817537054
now hold on
Pizzagate is probably verifiable
at least to some extent
@Lucario , i have a question for rule 11 (yes , there is a reason why the question is in meme-talk)
11. Nazi propaganda, Swastikas, or likenesses outside of historical context is prohibited. If in doubt, leave it out.
the rule says that using "nazi stuff" outside of historical context is prohibited
Only swastikas
but what if it's **outside** of historical context.
No swastikas thats fine
I’ve seen that repost a million times though
well... it's outside of historical context. i think that the rule should get revised
it should go like..
It’s not nazi propaganda and there is no swastikas
11. Nazi propaganda, Swastikas, or likenesses outside of historical context , parody or mock is prohibited. If in doubt, leave it out.
That video will be fine
this is why i suggest the revise
put it in <#725110151211778098>
thank you
Dang ole nazis and their stolen symbols
We need a new hunter biden meme folder!
Real. Meme worthy
great, erecting a monument for a criminal in the america's capital. good job lefties!
Pretty crappy if you ask me. It looks nothing like the guy.
@Grimm you can make that suggestion in <#725110151211778098>, just be sure to format the message correctly.
He's not wrong, but Fox is at least trying to be a news outlet instead of pure oped and propaganda like other outlets (even if they do have a lot of oped, but at least they're honest about what it is), so outright insults for the sake of being insulting don't fit the image they are trying to create for themselves.
"**RESPECT AND HONOR THEM** we're gonna slander their name by telling you to vote for a man who called them stupid bastards"
Laugh at that, you stupid bastards!
"I'm running for Senate you stupid bastards!" -Joe
@giulia please don't double post memes in multiple channels. Pick one channel it's most suitable to.
@DarkbeatK Why is there a word document in there?