Message from @jared fogle
Discord ID: 766443636397047828
> Bruh ain't this the guy who killed Osama
There is a rumor that seal team 6 killed wrong person on faulty intel.
Explanation for those that don't get this:
"Lower with a third hole" Translates into 'Lower receiver with a Third hole', third hole being the hole for an auto-seer or safety-seer
Source: I watch too much ~~Brandon Herrerra~~ Papa Kalash
@Porcupioneer what's up with the "you will be missed" meme in <#707963490526298112> ?
He left the server
Oh wow
does anyone know why?
His buttons were pushed, so he called it quits.
that sucks cause we loved that old fool
He had the best dad jokes
Someone should step up and post constant dad jokes
I think Snow used to post mom jokes.
She still does lol
Mom jokes
Hope he comes back
@jared fogle Seems cursed.
Moar cursed memes I have gathered
I bestow onto thee
@Wulf you should delete that first set of three
I mean I could repost them in votable format but
The second one in the batch is the problem
See rule #11 in <#719770967542333442>
I guess I'll save that one for a different meme dump
I deleted it then got the warning
Thanks admin
Sorry bro
It's fine I should pay more attention to the context then how amusing it is
Apparently I also posted something else sketchy
I still dont know what it was
Ask the mod that gave the warning in a dm. They are usually pretty cool about explaining it if you are respectful
Yea I'll ask next time but for now I will have to sort my memes by a different category then just cursed
You have a theme you desire to be searched for next?
A good portion of the rules have to do with the conservative censorship hell going on. A good portion of the big wig tech are looking for a reason, any reason, to shut down anyone with a different opinion or that dares question them.
And well Tyler and this community have been targeted and shut down before