Message from @sixfivebyfiftyfive
Discord ID: 768899253501689906
from reddit
Source: CNN
The Democrats need to begin trying to open our economy back up and remobilize our work force! Being in the dump for so many months has begun to have a negative affect. Plus, we should be passing more of these relief bills, where are they!? Silly Republicans.
This is totally not at all what the GOP has been trying to do since March, FYI
I wonder what the breakdown is between "Uninsured" and "Under-insured"
30 Million unemployed Americans have lost their $600 weekly benefits
-Probably because they got jobs <:TrumpSmile:720121948088041513>
Also 40 million may be facing eviction, but how many actually got evicted? I feel like there is a difference there. One is you owe us money now pay up, the other is you owe us everything we are gonna take it.
I should be on one of the panels on CNN, this is fun 🙂
@corny🌽🌽 I think democrats are blocking relief republicans offered 300billion but democrats want 3 trillion republicans thought that wasn’t smart so they offered 1 trillion that was blocked as well I believe
But any economics major will tell you these free check gonna hurt us more than good.
Tyler isn't on it because I didn't make it, but I would put him at A or S
Why is mr Reagan in f?
Mr Reagan should be in S, A, or B.
Ooh Crowder and HOC are really good
what are s a b?
Well the former mayor who is also the town dentist just died dropped down dead in his office parking lot
I love John Doyle, one of my favorite youtubers
wonder if zed will do something with John in the future 🤔
a collaboration with other youtubers would be cool
@Atari so uh
you know that uh vid you posted in the channel below us?
He posted two videos that broke rule 15...
"Come on, man."
it's like a couple seconds longer than 30 seconds
like bruh give me a pass, it's a funny meme
So, I reposted that AOC 'orange sus' meme to the personal chat my friends & I use, and one guy (decent guy, but left-leaning) was saying he doubted the tweet was real. It felt *real* good to post the link to the actual tweet. That was a couple minutes ago -- he hasn't responded yet.
yeah but who actually checks the video channel
*raises hand*
it's not even like an informational video, it's a meme
30 time limit is dumb
45 or 1 minute is understandable
If you have a suggestion, please send it through <#725110151211778098> 🙂
@Nicki-ki-A the worst thing about that was that she cheated using bots. I saw her stream going up by thousands in under a second.