Message from @Happy Humble Hermit

Discord ID: 600416646653542400

2019-07-15 19:40:33 UTC  

I highly recommend Air Force or navy

2019-07-15 19:41:01 UTC  

Already heading there

2019-07-15 19:41:27 UTC  

Fingers crossed, I head to Okinawa

2019-07-15 19:41:31 UTC  

Ok, just saw the convo so don’t know if you mentioned it or not

2019-07-15 19:41:37 UTC  

I’d like to visit Tokyo

2019-07-15 19:41:43 UTC  

Oki is a crapshoot

2019-07-15 19:41:58 UTC  

Everyone wants the cushy job.

2019-07-15 19:42:00 UTC  

And it’s always bad for new guys

2019-07-15 19:42:37 UTC  

Good to know

2019-07-15 19:42:56 UTC  

They have mad curfews and rules

2019-07-15 19:42:59 UTC  

Kinda what I expected anyway. I’ll make the best of it

2019-07-15 19:43:16 UTC  

Playa playaaa

2019-07-15 19:43:20 UTC  

Turn your head 'round

2019-07-15 19:43:24 UTC  

Lay on the ground

2019-07-15 19:43:27 UTC  

You been robbeeeed

2019-07-15 20:00:25 UTC  

one of the writers for the new star wars was a writer for batman v superman and justice league

2019-07-15 20:00:37 UTC  

Well thats bad news

2019-07-15 20:01:00 UTC  

But honestly nothing could really be worse than The Last Jedi

2019-07-15 20:01:18 UTC  

Oh shit I'm going to jinx us aren't I

2019-07-15 20:01:23 UTC  

his predictions in that video actually make sense and is actually worse than the last jedi

2019-07-15 20:01:29 UTC  

and now im actually excited to see it

2019-07-15 20:01:36 UTC  


2019-07-15 20:02:01 UTC  

I actually cracked up in the theater when Mary Poppins flew back into the ship

2019-07-15 20:03:32 UTC  

Don't give them money, pirate the movies, if u really want to watch them 😜

But honestly after the first PC star wars film I stopped even watching the pirated versions

2019-07-15 20:04:01 UTC  

The Force Awakens was mediocre. But The Last Jedi definitely deserves to be pirated

2019-07-15 20:04:23 UTC  

it really shocks there are some ppl on the right who want to ban hentai and sex dolls

2019-07-15 20:04:28 UTC  

the last jedi doesnt deserve to be watched

2019-07-15 20:04:57 UTC  

It amazes me how it was able to get such high scores

2019-07-15 20:05:07 UTC  

Like it got a 50% on a lot of rating sites

2019-07-15 20:05:20 UTC  

people in the comments are saying that Mike's time travel theory is correct because there was time traveling in the star wars rebels show which is canon

2019-07-15 20:05:49 UTC  

Does that mean we can time travel and pretend this whole thing never happened?

2019-07-15 20:05:59 UTC  

Please JJ please

2019-07-15 20:06:04 UTC  

For the love of god

2019-07-15 20:08:37 UTC

2019-07-15 20:11:52 UTC  

True, religious right wants men in servitude and under control just like the left.
That’s why I’m finished with politics, religion. I live for me, what’s best for me.

2019-07-15 20:13:26 UTC  

i mean if you look at it from an optics perspective you want all the right wing hentai supporters on your side

2019-07-15 20:13:52 UTC  

so why would you exclude all those guys from the monarchy

2019-07-15 20:14:41 UTC  

I'm not religious either

2019-07-15 20:15:10 UTC  

I kind of lost a lot of respect for modern religion due to its sheer amount of cuckery it endorses

2019-07-15 20:16:45 UTC  

Both sides, right and left, know that a free man is to be feared.
A man not in debt, not bound by borders, not trapped in legally enforced service.