Message from @nono
Discord ID: 774787658131832852
W o w
Ok now I don't know who I'm wowing at
Why do I get this on Facebook
Because Facebook
And Wish is whack
I have never ordered from there before
I guess there's Biden fraud shirts as well
When you can politicize even a medical protocol nationwide, there's no reason to believe she'll perceive Klavan's posts to not have political consequences. Even Lislebo is a moron.
@ChristianChicken1089 that is not funny do not try to ping everyone
Yes that is hilarious but it breaks rule 15 so you should move it <#720450552416305254> or <#719777555242287115> @Michigan Man 🍂
Oh thank you
I forgot about that rule. Sorry
> They will never succeed. Trump Supporters will win the Civil War if it ever comes down to that.
@Smash Boy Pretty sure a civil war in America these days would look less like the first civil war and more like an extremely magnified version of 'the troubles' in Northern Ireland.
Yeah we don't want that
You may not want that (nor do I), but know the ones that will provoke this mess will be Antifa, BLM and other rogue organizations. You simply can't stand by and let them kill you. A counterattack will occur and a civil war will happen. It obviously won't be a North versus South, but it will be a violent warfare.
Hopefully Trump will come out on top at SCOTUS and any soyboy uprisings from the left can be crushed by proper authorities.
its not the first time they said this actually fascist shit
These people are insane
That sounds fun
If anything their trying to be Nazi making their believe higher than anybody elses
Well if they wanna come after me then good luck to them
> its not the first time they said this actually fascist shit
> @nono Indeed, there's already a site
I'd call these guys actual commies.
Their tactics are communist tactics.
The same ones Kim-Jung-Il and Stalin used.
@F3arless_614 Bro, that is an awesome video, but we have to keep Memes under 30 seconds, so if you could move that to <#719777555242287115> that would be great 
Or <#720450552416305254>
> @F3arless_614 Bro, that is an awesome video, but we have to keep Memes under 30 seconds, so if you could move that to <#719777555242287115> that would be great 
@Kaladin okay
@PantherUnit01 no talking in meme only channels rule 12
Sorry, forgot