Message from @MeanKid

Discord ID: 779116731737571329

2020-11-19 22:47:04 UTC  

The abortion argument is quite simple, if the thing in the mothers womb is a living human, then its murder, but if not, then its no worse than poping a pimle
so the question becomes when is that object concidered human

2020-11-19 22:47:12 UTC  

and why??

2020-11-19 22:47:34 UTC  

cuz i think after the third trimester, the baby is basically guaranteed to live to term

2020-11-19 22:47:57 UTC  

"murder" is a legal term for the unlawful taking of a human life, at this time it is not illegal.

2020-11-19 22:48:25 UTC  

that depends if its human or not

2020-11-19 22:48:25 UTC  

Tell that to Scott Peterson

2020-11-19 22:48:37 UTC  

why tho? its in her body, taking a toll on her, and she wants to abort it, better that, than her dying, or me having to raise it by myself

2020-11-19 22:48:59 UTC  

In the US a fetus is pretty much guaranteed to live to term after conception. The numbers lost in the early term are statistically very small.

2020-11-19 22:49:14 UTC  

But she didn’t magically make that baby appear in her. It takes two to tango

2020-11-19 22:49:28 UTC  

“the unlawful premeditated killing of one human being by another” so um how would I make it law full

2020-11-19 22:49:32 UTC

2020-11-19 22:49:32 UTC  

tru, but if its even legal, it needs to have atleast some sort of decent time frame

2020-11-19 22:49:46 UTC  

I was raised by a single father after I was 11, worked out fine

2020-11-19 22:49:47 UTC  

yeh, and ur asking for my opinion on it, and i gave it

2020-11-19 22:50:05 UTC  

I would say especially if it isn’t life threatening then abortion should be illegal. There is adoption for a reason

2020-11-19 22:50:25 UTC  

ik that, but in any case, if i could preserve the life of the mother, or preserve the relationship, i'd rather have an abortion happen

2020-11-19 22:50:33 UTC  

either the child isnt considerd human making the law not pertain to abortion, or change the law

2020-11-19 22:51:03 UTC  

or legal definition I should say

2020-11-19 22:51:09 UTC  

Abortions are for people who don't have a plan for life, or just don't wanna take responsibility for their actions, or don't like using condoms.

The rape, incest, health argument makes up a small portion of abortions, and that's all I'll say about it.

2020-11-19 22:51:31 UTC  

@ASween so like, what if I buy a private island and murder there with my own laws 🤨

2020-11-19 22:51:44 UTC  

Defund abortion and fund adoption

2020-11-19 22:51:46 UTC  

sure, but until adoption becomes much more streamlined, i think its much more humane to just abort the baby, cuz imo, i'd rather not start living, rather than live a horrible life being shuttled around foster care, or with a bad adoptive family

2020-11-19 22:52:12 UTC  

so? its still up to the people to adopt the kids, and most ppl prefer having bio kids

2020-11-19 22:52:15 UTC  

In the US, less than 1% of abortion are made to prevent the death of the mother.

But that doesn't answer my question. Why is is acceptable to kill the fetus in the first trimester by not the last, or before age 2 for that matter??

2020-11-19 22:52:22 UTC  

then it would be legaly ok, bc you are following your own laws, but it wouldnt change the ethical morrals though

2020-11-19 22:52:34 UTC  

Lmao, adoption is hard.

Just kill the kid.

2020-11-19 22:52:58 UTC  

cuz the fetus is less developed

2020-11-19 22:53:08 UTC  

Hmmm. My dad and my oldest nephew were adopted. So they should have just been aborted?

2020-11-19 22:53:11 UTC  

Whatever helps you sleep at night

2020-11-19 22:53:19 UTC  

But there are waiting list of people trying to adopt children

2020-11-19 22:53:20 UTC  

You have in inaccurate view of the foster care system, the majority are wonderful people. My wife and I adopted 6 children from the system

2020-11-19 22:53:21 UTC  


2020-11-19 22:53:48 UTC  

not in every area tho, cuz then foster care wouldnt exist

2020-11-19 22:53:54 UTC  


2020-11-19 22:54:16 UTC  

Take this to general discussion. This isn't even about memes anymore Robo

2020-11-19 22:54:20 UTC  

The fetus is less developed?? A two year old is less developed than a 16 year old. What does and arbitrary stage of development have to do with it??

2020-11-19 22:54:36 UTC  

anyways, what im mostly getting at here is that its a womens body, her choice to do what she wants with it, but this is just my opinion on this matter

2020-11-19 22:55:02 UTC  

Fine. We understood the first dozen times

2020-11-19 22:55:11 UTC  

It's getting funnier and funnier to see the mental gymnastics and logic leaps

2020-11-19 22:55:14 UTC  

then why keep responding?

2020-11-19 22:55:21 UTC  

I get that but it’s also the child’s body that’s being killed