Message from @notJustin43

Discord ID: 780461148154626069

2020-11-23 15:02:08 UTC  

that is true

2020-11-23 15:22:24 UTC  

Here are some doctors talking about masks: "Although mechanistic studies support the potential effect of hand hygiene or face masks, evidence from 14 randomized controlled trials of these measures did not support a substantial effect on transmission of laboratory-confirmed influenza."

2020-11-23 15:31:27 UTC  

for that very reason they said back at the beginning of the year that wearing masks would not really help anything, since COVID-19 seemed to transmit so similarly to the flu. however, when they did studies on COVID-19 *itself*, they found that in the cities where masks were worn regularly, the spread of COVID-19 dropped significantly. Now, correlation does not necessarily mean causation, but as far as they could tell mask wearing was most likely one of the higher contributing factors, and thus they started recommending wearing masks.

2020-11-23 15:40:12 UTC  

Here are some other doctors from the Association of American Physicians and Surgeons also on masks AND COVID specifically, many caveats about masks and mostly downplaying their effectiveness overall:

@Nope It is factually the opposite, MANY places where mask mandates have been enacted the case numbers have skyrocketed (the AAPS link above shows the case in France), and places like Finland and Sweden where masks were NOT mandated either did NOT get pandemic level cases or they just had a normal outbreak case number and mortality curve that fell off to even achieve reduced overall mortality rates when compared to previous years.

2020-11-23 15:41:05 UTC  

Actually in my city bacterial infections are up because everyone wears a mask and doesn't wash it.

2020-11-23 15:42:46 UTC  


2020-11-23 15:43:18 UTC  

Exactly, ineffective mask usage is one of the principal cons against masks. EVEN if you have a mostly effective N95 or N100 mask, if you don't adequately fit it and/or constantly fidget with it you're even worse off.

2020-11-23 15:43:47 UTC  

Masks make me itch and sweat

2020-11-23 15:43:56 UTC  

and I wonder why my nose has alot of pimples

2020-11-23 15:44:26 UTC  

It's like trading covid for a bacteria infection, the only difference is you will still get covid.

2020-11-23 15:44:36 UTC  


2020-11-23 15:44:46 UTC  

Good point

2020-11-23 15:44:50 UTC  

It's in the expected reactions to masks

2020-11-23 15:45:15 UTC  

CO2 is ofc a heat holder

2020-11-23 15:45:44 UTC  

Yeah, I'm probably not the only person who feels sick when I wear a mask.

2020-11-23 15:46:37 UTC  

Can someone make a photoshop of Biden on Pinkies body and Kamala on the Brains?

2020-11-23 15:49:38 UTC  


2020-11-23 15:49:44 UTC  

I... I can't but

2020-11-23 15:49:45 UTC  


2020-11-23 15:52:32 UTC  

Do something like this but with camelatoe and byedem?

2020-11-23 15:53:57 UTC  

@Holz1287 I posted your meme on and the mods just stickied it to the front page. Good work.

2020-11-23 15:58:00 UTC  


2020-11-23 16:10:26 UTC  

I mean whats the problem with masks, it doest hurt you, and it can limit the spread if a sick person wears one. The honor system is a little too risky, so make everyone wear one, thats the logic behind it.

2020-11-23 16:10:31 UTC  

Lockdowns on the other hand

2020-11-23 16:10:41 UTC  

i think that has some deeper interests

2020-11-23 16:10:45 UTC  

The problem is the mandate

2020-11-23 16:10:59 UTC  

yeah thats unconstitutional

2020-11-23 16:11:06 UTC  

once the government can start telling you "you must meet x requirement to live in society"

2020-11-23 16:11:25 UTC  

They won't stop sets the precedent for more egregious regulations in the name of "safety"

2020-11-23 16:11:33 UTC  

(1) Denmark study.
(2) Cross contamination. Most people don't know how to wear medical masks properly, and therefore harm themselves because they touch the mask too much.

2020-11-23 16:11:35 UTC  

So yeah...masks don't hurt.

2020-11-23 16:11:41 UTC  

....but the liberty is the issue.

2020-11-23 16:12:58 UTC  

Masks hurt more when they give you a bacteria infection.

2020-11-23 16:13:21 UTC  

I think the jury is still out on that. A small number of studies does not confirm reality, but warrants further investigation.

2020-11-23 16:13:33 UTC  

who pinged me?

2020-11-23 16:14:20 UTC  

I was reading through the article that the Annals of Internal Medicine did one the Denmark study and it says in there "no assessment of whether masks could decrease disease transmission from mask wearers to others", so it doesn't exactly refute anything the CDC has been saying, at least up to a week ago

2020-11-23 16:15:10 UTC  

Regardless...people who are willing to give up their liberties for short-term will eventually end up losing both.

2020-11-23 16:15:20 UTC  

Trying to stop the spread of covid is the equivalent of trying to stop the spread of the common cold.

2020-11-23 16:16:26 UTC  

Mark my words now.....when this is all done, you WILL start seeing an enormously increased amount of regulations aimed at controlling different aspects of your life in the name of health.

2020-11-23 16:17:05 UTC  

I wouldn't be surprised if certain areas implement them for flu seasons...I wouldn't be surprised if airlines start making it a requirement that you must submit a vaccination history

2020-11-23 16:17:18 UTC  

...which I'm all for vaccines....but I'm not for force....I'm not for mandates