Message from @-The•Last•Crow-
Discord ID: 784891635217596437
Point is to make it painfully obvious
Mcboober posted multiple images to make the same point, I simply merged them
some people don't know how
ppl keep getting warned for talking in meme channels, the ironic thing is I almost sent this in a meme channel BC i forgot to switch channels
i guess purple isn't accepted anymore
does the peach have the same colors?
Left, Right, either way I don't see a sammich, so... back to the kitchen!
@StoneZman <#766008415717294120> on tactical reload for glue gun?
What the hell did I just watch? 😂😂😂.
I didnt know where that belongs
It belongs in hell
oops i thought i was in meme talk..
i need that mask meme where its like paint/smoke/radiation/ deadliest virus on earth
@K1ngL0ser187 someone posted that meme in better quality three memes above yours in <#724107022613741659>
ph my bad
oh not ph my bad a;so
i cant spell today ok
Its ok
Have a nice day :)
u too thx
Best meme
Change my mind
So any video under 15 seconds can go in here right
Under 30
@OhWaitWhat'sThis but they probably won’t lol
@Kaladin This is the vibe I get from my own mother who tested positive. She's a retired nurse who has been defending the mask mandates since the beginning. SMDH.
I’m glad she’s ok though
She already had it, or has it now?