Message from @hyperiacob
Discord ID: 785045170101551124
Seems like they give blue check marks to morons these days.
Ah yes because butchering, maiming and medically experimenting on millions of innocent people is exactly the same as less than half a million people dying from a virus
The Left is all about false equivalence.
Hell, they claim that using racism will stop racism, ffs
'Beat past racism with current racism, Beat current racism with future racism.' - Someone dumb idk I don't listen to racists
These being the same morons who try to justify shutting down the economy for a weak virus that only kills a small amount of people and risking mass starvation and death from preventable diseases in the process.
ignore the following msg - <:Dude:726878886411108474> <:PepeTrump:781193096880193548> <:SnugPepe:781198443808686110> <:PepeInDisguise:781192130923986974> <:PepeGunRob:781190574375436319> <:ExcitedPepe:781198443665424424> <:CheeringPepe:781198443640389632> unless u have some pepe emoji to share
<a:MeraDriving:766322141330407424> <a:emoji_57:780734229293957150> <a:aPES_Violin:704456843791171676> <a:aPES_SaxophoneSunglasses:704456934660767926> <a:aPepoSinger:704456951400235119> <a:aPES_QuickDab:714905222455230474> <a:apepecheer:721359883584274442> <a:apeepotubbyrun:696834524583166043> <a:aPeepoSaxophone:703298334760239154> <a:aPeepooHappyClap:696880761134907403> <a:aPeepoGuitarPlay:704457010955157645> <a:apeepoFlute:703298594492645417> <a:apeepoDrums:704456875873140797> <a:aofirpepesmoke:737463983279439914> <a:p_stoopidclap:757312456782643320> <a:p_SamauriPepe:746228526683914252> <a:p_pepewizardo:750097380518658149> <a:p_pepesoldierwalk:755203170766159935> <a:p_PepeSpin:696926565375934535> <a:p_PepeSheep:746227784220672040> <a:p_PepeLaugh:748177937932484608> <a:p_PepeHolyShit:766781954829713419> <a:p_PepeDrum:696912799414223012> <a:p_DiveHug:746243365582143608> <a:pepe4:673756400891199509> <a:pepe3:673756401008640011> <a:pepe2:673756400719101952> <a:pepe1:673756400756981780>
i got more offline on another drive...i collect emogies
That was just a sample.
Do you want more?
not yet...maybe in a day or so
Pinned it for y'all
A little too late for that bub
Kill Reggie meme?
Is this about that homosexual furry porn
I think
Someone posted a vid of it at some point where you had the first few seconds of the Reggie vid and it cuts to a Russian guy mag dumping a krinkov before saying cyka
Begone Romania
Btw how is the meme i sent in <#707963490526298112>
Dang I guess my memes got deleted, was it because I posted them all at once?
Ask the mods
We should have been saying Jim Carrey 2020
@Wet Mop that Trump/Lincoln/Reagan pic is LEGENDARY even though 4 communists gave you a recycle. I Salute you and the 3 GREATEST Presidents in the history of the United States. <:salut:730846445732888630>
May America be the best country in the world <:trumpsalute2:749336033321025652>
<#750393154150203402> ?
okay if you were Born in America you are Native American. Sorry indigenous people, but fuck all of you that think otherwise. Your ass was born in America just like the "Native American" population whose ancestors just migrated here first. - Real Talk from Knotty - your local "Native American"
I'm meme deprived, what's the best meme to bring me back to health?
This. It has since been made into at least three different memes, all with the exact same joke just with different clips