Message from @Kaladin

Discord ID: 788897241699057704

2020-12-16 21:30:00 UTC  

Or talking where I wasn't supposed to

2020-12-16 21:30:24 UTC  

^ common thing lol

2020-12-16 21:42:26 UTC  


2020-12-16 21:52:33 UTC  

Worth the read

2020-12-16 22:07:58 UTC  

that does it, i need to get a black couch so chicks can do selfies from it -

2020-12-16 22:08:03 UTC

2020-12-16 22:19:22 UTC  

friend shared it with clue

2020-12-16 22:22:29 UTC  

asking for ya tho

2020-12-16 22:23:07 UTC  

Seems illegal to primarily select the ones with political stickers.

2020-12-16 22:25:12 UTC  

it probably isn't....

2020-12-16 22:25:20 UTC  

Yeah I figured it was fake

2020-12-16 22:26:18 UTC  

I know that a company can fire you for pretty much anything... and I know knotty fires people if they have any stickers on their car that are not from State/National parks, or are military stickers.

2020-12-16 22:26:53 UTC  

I was referring to miniores comment 😛

2020-12-16 22:27:27 UTC  

@Lynx I want this to be real.... like in the worst way

2020-12-16 22:30:42 UTC I know this is probably the point of someone posting this, but this sounds like an apples to oranges comparison. It's not what percentage of the planet or even of New York that survived. It's what percentage of the people in the planes and in the buildings that were hit (and otherwise directly affected by the debris and such) that survived that is relevant. Pretty sure no one in the planes survived, so what percentage of the people in the buildings survived. I can't find that number, but best I can tell is almost 3,000 people died, around 6,000 were injured. It's unclear how many people survived from the buildings, but the information seems to indicate 14,000 to 17,000 in the World Trade Towers (of which much of the 6,000 would be part of), so that's potentially a survival rate of 85%, which is definitely worse than Covid. And even if it wasn't, the only way these two numbers are comparable in anyway is if they are saying Covid is an act of terror, because disease and acts of terror are not the same.

2020-12-16 22:30:58 UTC  

well they've been harassing ppl for political views since 2016...seems to be fair to return the favor

2020-12-16 22:31:17 UTC  

So was I 😂

2020-12-16 22:35:27 UTC  

@StoryGirl83 I was really young when the world trade center was hit... and I still remember what that day was like... even in Germany we had our TV's on in class at the end of the day.... I remember being in math when a staff member entered the room and disrupted the lesson to turn on the TV... I was in 1st year

2020-12-16 22:35:29 UTC  

Actually, there are ways this can actually be illegal.

2020-12-16 22:35:59 UTC  

What can be illegal?

2020-12-16 22:35:59 UTC  

in certain states maybe?

2020-12-16 22:36:36 UTC  

Depends on the situation and which courts.

2020-12-16 22:37:28 UTC  

Also, Knotty's restriction seems more like company policy.

2020-12-16 22:37:39 UTC  

yea it is

2020-12-16 22:38:13 UTC  

Firing people based on which political party they embrace is a different story.

2020-12-16 22:38:29 UTC  

I got pictures of the parking lot across the street from his building where there were 10-20 trucks/cars with Trump flags/stickers on them XD

2020-12-16 22:38:38 UTC  

yea probably

2020-12-16 22:38:45 UTC  

but funny all the same

2020-12-16 22:38:54 UTC  

Sure is. 😄

2020-12-16 22:38:55 UTC  

a reap what you sew type thing

2020-12-16 22:39:15 UTC  

is it sew or sow?

2020-12-16 22:39:23 UTC  

idk.... english is so confusing sometimes

2020-12-16 22:40:32 UTC  


2020-12-16 22:48:54 UTC  

I was in my first year of college. The college I attended did not really do much with TV, but that day we watched live TV in class instead of doing class and later I saw more in a shop downtown that had a TV on. It's one of those days you don't forget and I can't imagine how all these people who were alive and old enough to remember that day are dismissing it as nothing. It's one thing for the kids who were too young and the people who weren't even born yet, that's not their fault. It's the fault of everyone who didn't tell them. It's the fault of everyone who downplayed it and pretended it didn't happen. I won't forget. I cannot let myself ever do that.

2020-12-16 22:50:40 UTC  

English is very often a confusing thing. It's certainly not the only language (recalls learning to count in French, which was fun), but it definitely is one of them that can confuse.

2020-12-16 23:06:12 UTC  

The problem with this meme is by calling biden supporters pedos because biden is a pedo, youre also saying trump is racist by that logic

2020-12-16 23:13:19 UTC  

but would force them to actually research it

2020-12-16 23:19:13 UTC  

When accusations are fact. Good for the goose.

2020-12-16 23:29:22 UTC  

It has more to do with perception and assumptions than factual statements, violin