Message from @1776

Discord ID: 776509288574484501

2020-11-12 14:58:20 UTC  

You do know money had a different value then?

2020-11-12 15:58:49 UTC  

Yeah. Jefferson bought the Louisiana Purchase for $10 million. A modern aircraft carrier costs almost $13 billion

2020-11-12 16:54:38 UTC  

Sure what would you like to discuss?? (Bear in mind I am black... so ...)

2020-11-12 17:15:11 UTC  

the pure capitlism of the past lead to wages that were simply despicable

2020-11-12 17:15:54 UTC  

and you shouldn't have to pay interns as much, thats not fair, maybe a minimum wage based on age or something?

2020-11-12 17:18:56 UTC  

The wages in the past also had things that we now refer to as cheap. The market rises and falls with wages

2020-11-12 17:28:32 UTC  

if you take into account inflation, factory workers were still making a couple dollars a week

2020-11-12 17:53:14 UTC  

You also got a remember 5 cents used to buy someone quite a bit of things

2020-11-12 17:53:49 UTC  

So even if someone were making pennies by the hour, they could still buy stuff

2020-11-12 17:54:40 UTC  

idk how to feel about this but ok

2020-11-12 17:54:56 UTC  

He is going to take us all to Brazil

2020-11-12 17:55:22 UTC  

entire America continent is going yo brasil

2020-11-12 17:56:11 UTC  

We will become part of the Brazilian federation

2020-11-12 17:57:41 UTC  

Visit Brasil

2020-11-12 17:57:47 UTC  

before Brasil visit you

2020-11-12 18:03:49 UTC  

In an age where travel was difficult certain segments of the population were indeed abused by certain business practices. Many people were simply incapable of seeking other employment for a multitude of reasons, including slavery. Using that as a basis for condemning capitalism is like using the Crusades to denigrate all of Christendom today.

Today, even in the most rural of areas, finding other employment (for those with the skills/talent) is as easy as simply looking and driving in a different direction. Adding 5 miles to a commute today is 5 minutes, in 1916 it was an hour. So let's not compare apples and aardvarks shall we not?? Slavery and indentured servitude are no longer issues, neither is the perceived isolation of the past.

Additionally, there is a much greater degree of freedom to alter career paths today than ever in the history of the world. Four semesters at a local college can open up entire new fields of employment for those with the mettle to step away from the comfortable. There exists today a much greater market for entrepreneurship in hundreds of new fields. In the last two decades I've seen the number of businesses in competition with me and even bigger engineering firms explode, as those wishing to be their own boss in this industry step away from the traditional position of engineers and hang their own "stamp" out for hire. That explosion has made all of us in the industry better for it. Competition improves the product like NOTHING else, and those who fail to address it are eliminated. Look at the number of large engineering firms in the last two decades that no longer exist either through extinction of absorption. I find my firm now in competition with engineers I trained, who, after a decade of learning the ropes, left my firm to start their own. That is a good thing, no a great thing, it forces me to be more agile and more efficient or lose business, and such is better for all of us.

2020-11-12 18:03:57 UTC  

Those factory workers have EVERY opportunity to do something else, BE something else, to expand their horizons. They are NOT locked into their current job, they are merely comfortable in it, too comfortable to seek out better. And sometimes better is in another city or even another state.

2020-11-12 18:04:06 UTC  

AS for factory workers making a few dollars a WEEK currently .. bullshirt. That is unsupportable by even the new math. The average US wage in 1913 was $0.24 and hour, that's AVERAGE. Minimum wage today adjusted for inflation would be $0.29 an hour in 1913. Today's minimum wage is 20% higher than the AVERAGE wage of 1913.

2020-11-12 18:04:16 UTC  

And @Zilla is correct, instead of dollars look at what is being purchased today. A friend of mine is an immigrant, that means he is here LEGALLY. I asked him once why he wanted to come to America, he replied, "I wanted to live where even the poor people were fat." My dad was a brick layer who raised four kids to adulthood, living the "American Dream"; our house was 1070 sq.ft., two bedroom one bath, no garage, no A/C (in Southeast Texas), we had ONE phone on a party-line, and free TV was two channels unless the cloud cover was just right. We had ONE car. His wage would be about $19/hour now. He saved enough money to send four kids to college from 1962 to 1970.

2020-11-12 18:06:38 UTC  

America, where even the poor can eat like a king

2020-11-12 18:10:41 UTC  

lol... yes and unfortunately the land of couch potatoes too....🥔

2020-11-12 18:31:58 UTC  

and that is the real issue ....

2020-11-12 19:11:24 UTC  

Work ethic is not something that is encouraged into most kids. It is something taught and instilled into someone.

2020-11-12 19:12:11 UTC  

So you get generations of kids where most don't have work drive at all other than money. Which has its pros and cons.

2020-11-12 19:12:40 UTC  

And some who have no work drive at all because they were never taught to work.

2020-11-12 19:20:14 UTC  

They are instead taught that everyone gets a trophy. Then are stunned when they enter the real world and it isn't so.

2020-11-12 20:19:59 UTC  

I like how the bird just keeps flying like nothing's wrong lol

2020-11-13 03:20:43 UTC  

So I just saw this article from Vanity Fair about the last episode of The Mandalorian... Apparently people got really butthurt over Baby Yoda eating the Frog-lady's eggs.


2020-11-13 03:21:43 UTC  


2020-11-13 03:21:47 UTC  

Wow XD I find that hilarious

2020-11-13 03:23:02 UTC  

It's sad really.

2020-11-13 03:25:49 UTC  

Who watches a sci-fi show and automatically thinks "that cute kid just committed genocide, let's flame the show online"?

2020-11-13 03:37:15 UTC  

They're literally looking for anything to pin against Jon Favreau after the whole garbage "it took exactly 12 minutes before they showed the first female" fiasco when it started.

2020-11-13 03:46:59 UTC  

I forgot about that. They are the reason new movies (mostly) suck.

2020-11-13 04:17:53 UTC  

Are these the same people who complain that more main characters in children's books are animals than POC's?

2020-11-13 05:41:47 UTC  


2020-11-13 08:39:03 UTC  

> I forgot about that. They are the reason new movies (mostly) suck.
@Alpha-57 I've learned to not expect too much from certain directors and studios. It's sad we even have to talk about this.

2020-11-13 08:39:40 UTC  

The problem is though, is that they think they're actually making a difference in people's lives when they add a black gay background character or something

2020-11-13 15:07:29 UTC  

worse when its a super wooden or badly acted main character *coughs* Ms. Marvel *coughs*

2020-11-13 15:09:18 UTC  

Agreed. But what irks me the most is when they do that by changing an already established character or timeline to do so.