Message from @TheStarshipReport

Discord ID: 785541654516990052

2020-12-06 16:53:21 UTC  

Long story short, dude trolls 2chan for years, gets doxed, hires a lawyer, he gets doxed and has a cult formed around him that destroys his life, doxes his family, makes terrorist threats in his name, and desecrates his parents graves

2020-12-07 13:00:29 UTC  

We got our own now 😂😂

2020-12-07 13:54:03 UTC  

Gonna be honest this whole thing seems like a joke

2020-12-07 13:55:30 UTC  

It's very elaborate to say the least but the fact that there's no video (that I know of) of it disappearing and reappearing makes me skeptical that it's just slow news for everyone and they need content

2020-12-07 13:56:16 UTC  

But I don't everything so hell it could be something way more interesting than I think

2020-12-07 16:07:20 UTC  

well the one in uk now has a point

2020-12-07 16:07:47 UTC  

i guess it's so it's easier to shove it up their collective asses

2020-12-07 16:16:28 UTC  

They're not even the same looking monolith

2020-12-07 16:16:48 UTC  

<:dogekek:726878872607653918> ikr

2020-12-07 16:16:49 UTC  

They're all reflective monoliths

2020-12-07 16:17:00 UTC  

But they also have their deferences

2020-12-07 16:17:11 UTC  

This says a lot about our society

2020-12-07 16:19:18 UTC  

well utah had rivets

2020-12-07 16:19:37 UTC  

What do you mean

2020-12-07 16:19:57 UTC  

not everything in the monolith is about ur reflection

2020-12-07 16:20:06 UTC  

Of course

2020-12-07 16:20:16 UTC  

That main question is where did the come from

2020-12-07 16:20:40 UTC  

But it also appears as if nobody is actually trying to figure it out

2020-12-07 16:21:46 UTC  

i said this over a week ago - how to troll the conspiracy theorists - place a shiny object in random locations

2020-12-07 16:22:05 UTC  


2020-12-07 16:22:52 UTC  

Maybe it's just publicity for a 2001 a space odyssey remake

2020-12-07 16:23:08 UTC  

But instead of one monolith there's multiple if them

2020-12-07 18:00:11 UTC  

people are just bored out of their minds after being locked up in their house for the 9 month long "15 days to stop the spread" so they do something stupid like this to get some laughs becuase the media is literally retarded enough to cover it

2020-12-07 18:52:37 UTC  


2020-12-07 18:52:39 UTC  

Too true

2020-12-07 19:26:21 UTC  

These are fake anyways

2020-12-07 20:06:48 UTC  

What do you mean by fake?

2020-12-07 20:07:41 UTC  

Those monoliths are carted off somewhere else easily, so they are fake

2020-12-07 20:09:08 UTC  

I'm not sure I follow? Shouldn't you be able to move a monotith?

2020-12-07 20:11:02 UTC  

Not most of them without excavation

2020-12-07 20:19:53 UTC  

Oh right ok

2020-12-08 00:56:05 UTC  

I'm still worried regardless man

2020-12-08 00:56:20 UTC  

Israel is now saying stuff about aliens

2020-12-08 00:56:27 UTC  

and man I'm just scared

2020-12-08 00:56:33 UTC  

its 2020....

2020-12-08 00:56:49 UTC  

I'm just paranoid as always

2020-12-08 00:57:59 UTC  

is that why Trump crated the Space Force?

2020-12-08 01:00:56 UTC  

I think I'm just paranoid because of the movies

2020-12-08 01:01:53 UTC  

and well this isn't the movies

2020-12-08 01:07:15 UTC  

It took them so long to reveal themselves in the modern age so does that mean they're benevolent