Message from @Speedrunner 0218

Discord ID: 750560055186817085

2020-09-01 01:27:08 UTC  

Bullets: i sleep
Paint: real shit

2020-09-01 01:29:31 UTC  

lmao!!! i love how he's using the "peaceful protest" against them.

2020-09-01 01:47:11 UTC  

Reverse psychology. They'll soon call it violent riots

2020-09-01 12:34:12 UTC  

@MomentumZero Since when is black more worthy of a capital letter than Hispanic?

2020-09-01 12:35:29 UTC  

Liberals now: The Babylon Bee is offensive because it makes fun of us
Liberals in the future: The Babylon Bee is offensive because it’s operated by humans instead of actual bees, and that’s cultural appropriation

2020-09-01 12:37:55 UTC  

And CNN, maybe I’m an idiot, but the left pretended this crap was entirely peaceful until they realized doing so was hurting their polling numbers, so Trump’s strategy is definitely working on me. <:TrumpSmile:720121948088041513>

2020-09-01 12:40:41 UTC  

by that liberal logic, furries are cultural appropriation of actual animals

2020-09-01 12:41:32 UTC  


2020-09-01 12:41:41 UTC  

As a furry who’s seen things that cannot be unseen, I’d actually be happy if the furry fandom could be canceled due to that logic. <:dogekek:726878872607653918>

2020-09-01 12:42:56 UTC  

send them all to my house, my dog needs new chew toys

2020-09-01 18:40:34 UTC  

TFW the mainstream media has to throw the CDC under the bus to attack Trump

2020-09-01 19:56:51 UTC  


2020-09-02 03:37:41 UTC  

What hair cut place would even let her in? All the ones in my town have mask mandates, and I live in a very conservative area

2020-09-02 03:40:31 UTC  

Fairly certain she can just drop her hair off and pick it up later

2020-09-02 04:03:43 UTC  

Are you sure that's hair? I thought that was her demonic scales

2020-09-02 04:04:05 UTC  

Because she's a demon

2020-09-02 04:05:01 UTC  

Tendrils of sulphuric smoke

2020-09-02 04:07:17 UTC  

Exactly. Phone calls Doomguy.

2020-09-02 04:36:41 UTC  

"Trump tries to foment a race war".... Wait, hold the **** up.......

2020-09-02 04:37:55 UTC  

He's the guy who is talking against BLM which is a movement all about race....? Man... It has got to be great to be that dumb.... Not knowing anything.... Just believing what you want without ever having to put down a citation or reason why you believe that other then, "he is orange, so therefor, he is bad..."

2020-09-02 08:50:43 UTC  

All lives matter is now a hate group 🤖

2020-09-02 08:51:20 UTC  

for where

2020-09-02 08:52:29 UTC  

Idk i just repost things

2020-09-02 11:02:59 UTC

2020-09-02 17:27:20 UTC  

I didn’t even know All Lives Matter was a group! I thought it was just a slogan. Maybe I’m ignorant like the people who think Antifa isn’t a group.

2020-09-02 20:51:07 UTC  


2020-09-02 20:52:38 UTC  

I have no words

2020-09-02 20:52:52 UTC  

The hypocrisy