Message from @Deleted User

Discord ID: 763057263707029505

2020-10-06 14:59:43 UTC  

if trump tempers himself on the second debate and focuses on his platform. i think he's got it in the bag. i don't think the moderators will let him though

2020-10-06 15:00:04 UTC  

should be jobs for all, provided they have valid usable skills/merits for the positions available

2020-10-06 15:00:45 UTC  

in other words...some shit cleaner in san fran can't get a job as exec unless they have skills/merits to do so..unless the job is exec shit cleaner

2020-10-06 15:00:53 UTC  

then it falls on experience

2020-10-06 15:01:16 UTC  

you guys saw biden's latest townhall? he's backpedaling now..e.g. not defunding the police etc.

2020-10-06 15:01:44 UTC  

haha i want to send this email chain to a conservative media that we had at work, there was backlash interdepartmentally against the BLM black employee empowerment resource group to help promote black employees. it's sickening how bad CA state govt has gotten

2020-10-06 15:01:56 UTC  

it's to offend the left completely to keep them from voting period

2020-10-06 15:02:06 UTC  

well the insane left

2020-10-06 15:04:07 UTC  

the insane left technically want to throw out the constitution...and the bill of rights because it offends favor of marxism/communism ...which falls under insurrection part of the constitutional laws in an attempt to overthrow the gov illegally in favor of communism which is a federal crime since the 1950's

2020-10-06 15:04:57 UTC  

i'm still pissed at the dems for killing

2020-10-06 15:05:40 UTC  

every resident that grew up under communism tried to tell the insane left they're nuts for wanting was a slave state system where everybody was a slave to the state with no rights period, u fight for ur rights..ur arrested and jailed if ur lucky..if ur not lucky, ur shot dead

2020-10-06 15:05:42 UTC  

passed overwhelmingly bipartisan.. then reid killed it

2020-10-06 15:06:33 UTC  

would have no crazy marxist revolutionaries now.

2020-10-06 15:07:55 UTC  

i attribute the decline of our country starting in that lame duck session before obama.

2020-10-06 15:09:42 UTC  

it started yrs if not decades sooner

2020-10-06 15:10:02 UTC  

about 100yrs earlier....slow decline

2020-10-06 15:10:22 UTC  

true, i guess this is more the nail in the coffin

2020-10-06 15:10:53 UTC  

This is why they don't want parents in the classrooms with their kids

2020-10-06 15:16:30 UTC  

anyway...before i go afk for a bit, if the great depression was any longer, usa would be communist by 1940's

2020-10-06 15:16:51 UTC  

and rest of the world by 1945

2020-10-06 15:17:08 UTC  

europe woulda went down faster..way faster

2020-10-06 15:17:21 UTC  

guess who was there to stop europe from going communist

2020-10-06 15:17:33 UTC  

it wasn't usa

2020-10-06 15:28:40 UTC  

> well technically it was national, not state level...the state can bitch but they can't stop national constitutional laws
@Deleted User from what I know the 14th amendment applies the constitution and bill of rights to the states. Wouldn’t this mean that the establishment clause and free exercise clause apply to the states also?

2020-10-06 15:38:02 UTC  

states can establish their own laws for their own states but what they can not do is violate existing national laws in those legal systems of their own states in violation of the constitution and bill of rights

2020-10-06 15:38:59 UTC  

they can take a constitutionally passed law on national level and make local amendments to it to expand it, but not make amendments to it in order to limit it

2020-10-06 15:40:10 UTC  

and ppl wonder why oregan too so long to become a state, they had a zero black ppl clause in their territory constitution

2020-10-06 15:40:56 UTC  

Ok I understand that but states attempted to institute a religion before and were stopped because it was unconstitutional

2020-10-06 15:40:58 UTC  

took them a while to track down everything to remove it

2020-10-06 15:41:40 UTC  

well if the religion's practices were unconstitutional..then it's a valid reason

2020-10-06 15:42:03 UTC  

say like human sacrificing and human slavery

2020-10-06 15:43:01 UTC  

That’s also grounds for restricting a religion. What happened then is some states endorsed one religion over the other for no secular reason and that is unconstitutional

2020-10-06 15:43:06 UTC  

So they were stopped

2020-10-06 15:44:30 UTC  

i seriously think satanism will have to get a serious legal team together in the future if they want to practice rituals that take human lives they do so on the grounds of legal agreements of the person being sacrificed with impartial witnesses so no constitutional rights nor human rights are being violated

2020-10-06 15:45:56 UTC  

well i pretty much think some changes will go into effect in various states over the next few yrs if not decades to clarify these positions on religion and establishment of such

2020-10-06 15:49:17 UTC  

> well i pretty much think some changes will go into effect in various states over the next few yrs if not decades to clarify these positions on religion and establishment of such
@Deleted User where is the original article we were discussing?

2020-10-06 15:50:18 UTC  

about an hr or so back

2020-10-06 15:50:50 UTC  

Ok I went to look for it and didn’t find it

2020-10-06 15:52:01 UTC  

well u kinda jumped into a discussion between me and another

2020-10-06 15:52:28 UTC  

we kinda splintered off the main article a bit

2020-10-06 15:52:32 UTC  

Was it the affirmative action?