Message from @spanky424
Discord ID: 773648167505231872
looks poisonous
Even CNN explaining the thing that just happened right in front of them is sketchy "We saw Trump leading by 100,000 now Biden is up 10,000. Lets keep on as if this is normal"
why are we talking about frogs now lol
talk about geographic
just wow
"I'm with Phillidelphia health" everyone laughs
definitely trump voters
Oh my gosh
do they use cameras aiming at the people working there?
most likely
Not when they bring in mystery votes
the cameras should be on the entire time
oh sorry
it might as well be true
Imagine if right leaning counties did what they are doing
The counties would have already been burned down
riots be everywhere
DC already rioting and they are leading
only places with democrats
cause they allow it
I can at least hope we get whitmore booted
Fox is refusing to update Arizona's vote count
>.> everywhere is
their credibility is disappearing
I can't wait for Biden to claim victory, then it get overturned
still better then msnbc and cnn
but not by much
A Biden Victory = $$$ for fox
its ridiculous that it has to come down to voting fraud