
Discord ID: 510520397331169309

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@Hawk Reaper don't be stressed my dude.. we all knew this was going ot happen

we are resilient people

numbers over time

IDK how they called WI when they are re-counting.

If Trump pulls out AZ, I am confident.


theres a reason why he wanted to get ACB in as fast as possible

wasn't there a county in MI that added an extra 0?

fr lol

sounds legit


The sharpie conspiracy is interesting as well.

is she really a R though?


Correct statement


if NV goes Trump, PA NC and GA will need to go Trump. Trump can lose MI, WI and still be fine if he wins PA and NV


GA is getting closer, NC is a little better



AZ has like 500k votes left to count in heavy Red counties

Where are you looking? Im just using China Google

what percent is philly in?


I don't feel like using any logins 😄

I heard reports that they weren't going to count today in NV... Not sure why

Trump said they were going to recount in WI ?

AZ and PA are crucial rn. I think we can maybe forget about getting WI or MI back. Unless we win it in the court


Doesn't WI allow same day registration?

Well they said Philly still needed to get like 60% of their votes counted

Philly being heavy blue

We can't really tell if those are votes though..... We can't see them. We can speculate for sure.

> I mean cmon, some dude brings in coolers after they said they stopped counting and bam back up and counting
@Not Jango I understand. It will be something someone brings up.. "Hey, it wasn't votes, and you can't say it was because you didn't see it"

AZ is crucial

CNN pulled it

some 500k votes left to count in heavy red areas

AP called it I believe

Fox called AZ early early

Fox was the first one to call AZ

Think about it

Fox being the opposition news source is good money for them

all MSM is bad 😄

They put a lid on it


found in a trash can or ditch


They always do right... You guys should see the other discord servers I am in. It's fantastic

Can't wait for that to be censored!

Why are the police locking them out?

Why are we declaring PENN?????

CNN is surprised when they have a successful shit

Imagine if right leaning counties did what they are doing

DC already rioting and they are leading

I can't wait for Biden to claim victory, then it get overturned

A Biden Victory = $$$ for fox

I had a few friends vote biden because they didn't like the way trump talks

AZ or NV


Is support for the US/Trump higher than what the media tells us?

@Meepling outside of the us*

Why we do not have a secure online voting portal is impressive to me.

@SkeithKing well, yea.. Those are easily attainable. We need to use SSN/Citizen ID, or a secure voter ID that is mailed out to you from the state.

Ballots are ballots once they get there. It's the ballot harvesting/fraudulent ballots that are the issue

Mail in voting should never be a thing, voting in person, or absentee voting.

I think red is behind blue

> And all those ballots were biden, the are saying not a single one was for Trump
@Kae D. Law I can see 80-85% biden for sure.. especially fromthe counties they are coming from... but not a single vote for trump is wrong

well big cities are liberal


I heard the votes are coming from red counties.. but idk

mathmatically should be


NV isn't counting today

idk why

AZ not sure

MSM is shit

> https://twitter.com/vabelle2010/status/1324049339237490688?s=20
@MikaSetsu This is confusing. Why is everyone reporting different numbers

Steven Crowder


His stream got hit off yesterday during the night

I was up until about 3 watching

went to bed feeling great

MI and WI was up big

woke up and I took a shower and had a great breakfast with the kids

got on the computer for work, and saw that MI and WI flipped

grabbed a couple beers from the fridge

I wonder, what does a recount actually do?

do they just go back through the ballots?

and hand count them?

I am watching

only one video stream up though


Why NC and GA haven’t been called is very worrisome. NC waiting until the 12th is appalling

Yup. Someone said they are waiting on NV to see if@they need to flip

See if they need to find a truck of votes

I wonder the counties DT has won compared to Biden

Im sure he blows Biden away

Conservatives don’t like to be in big cities. That’s why suburban women love him lol

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