Message from @ErrantBelle

Discord ID: 775538543472541727

2020-11-10 01:23:04 UTC  

I think I actually posted something of it a day or so ago.

2020-11-10 01:23:24 UTC  

> Really? Code on ballots? What are they fucking gods?! Did they see this coming?! A bit sus IMO
@matthew’s’hoes Not that far fetched really, we have code in our money which is how you can determine if something is counterfeit or not (I was required to check that every once in awhile when I worked security, both for guests turning over money, and for retrieving money from slot machines)

Plus I do recall there being mention of this process being looked into about eight year's ago, after a lot of suspicion about Obama and fraulent election stuff

2020-11-10 01:23:55 UTC  

I'll see if I can find you a link to that article, but it's been eight years, 😦

2020-11-10 01:24:18 UTC  

Ok. If they do that would be so amazing and would turn the tide massively

2020-11-10 01:25:03 UTC  

That's only if people actually do something with it, to which I hope they do

2020-11-10 01:25:16 UTC  

From what I remember, Blockchain kind of like QR Codes, but much denser in the information it can carry

2020-11-10 01:25:21 UTC  

If they can they will 💯

2020-11-10 01:25:42 UTC  


2020-11-10 01:25:57 UTC  

Whatever happened to the whisleblower act?

2020-11-10 01:30:35 UTC  

You know whats funny, when i was looking through the 2000 election newspaper of al gor conceding that my landlord had I saw this.

2020-11-10 01:32:04 UTC  

Seems like its playing out Very similarly.

2020-11-10 01:34:11 UTC  

Charlie Ward?

2020-11-10 01:37:12 UTC  

Yea that’s the thing tho, IF. It’s a big one. Like you show lol.
Has anyone seen the thing about jo Rogan being exposed for a shill from his Alex Jones interview?

2020-11-10 01:37:45 UTC  

Apparently he wears a ln earpiece and is “produced” by “Jamie”

2020-11-10 01:38:23 UTC  

Her voice was heard instructing him while he was playing with his headphones

2020-11-10 01:39:56 UTC  

“Controlled opposition” I guess

2020-11-10 01:40:57 UTC  

Makes sense tho. I don’t care what his contract says, 100m deal from spotify, they are gonna want their say.

2020-11-10 01:51:54 UTC  

> Really? Code on ballots? What are they fucking gods?! Did they see this coming?! A bit sus IMO
@matthew’s’hoes Honestly, I can't imagine how they wouldn't. This is not a new thing and they have had four years to work on a strategy to make sure that if Donald Trump is voted out of the White House it is the American people who make that decision and not some group committing voter fraud. Not saying that I know this happened this way, but it would not surprise me one bit if they have been planning how to protect the election from fraud for four years.

2020-11-10 01:53:17 UTC  

Every single time I go on twitter... I lose my faith in humanity.

2020-11-10 01:53:50 UTC  

Ok thanks

2020-11-10 01:53:59 UTC  

Twitter sucks. Don’t use it. Ever

2020-11-10 02:01:34 UTC  

I only use twitter for three things, chatting with certain people who I only know there, most of them via a specific fandom I am in, encouraging people who are sounding down about their word count during NaNoWriMo, and posting about interesting things I found on Kickstarter. That's pretty much it. One of these days I will cull my following list, but it's no big hurry, since I don't pay attention to my feed anyway.

2020-11-10 02:14:27 UTC  


2020-11-10 02:20:44 UTC  

I guess I was right that time. I mentioned here that I saw that video on Parler through a blp link.

2020-11-10 02:21:19 UTC  

It did sound legit to me, only because of some of the trainee reactions to her “suggestions”

2020-11-10 02:21:50 UTC  

How far is this going to go untill the MSM can't ignore it.

2020-11-10 02:25:40 UTC  

I would imagine until the number of people actually watching them is low enough that they figure no one, not even enough to win one state based off their say so, actually believes them.

2020-11-10 02:48:33 UTC  

Arizona is SO CLOSE to turning red y'all. Thousands of votes still need to be counted and Biden only has a lead of 14k right now (a .4% difference), as opposed to the 80k difference there was 3 days ago.

2020-11-10 02:49:48 UTC  

@Nicnac610 That's nice, but at this point Trump winning is no longer enough. He needs to completely expose the fraud, then SEVERELY punish those who perpetrated it.

2020-11-10 02:52:51 UTC  

> @Nicnac610 That's nice, but at this point Trump winning is no longer enough. He needs to completely expose the fraud, then SEVERELY punish those who perpetrated it.
@ErrantBelle Oh I completely agree, AZ going red doesn't change the election in the longrun. I'm just pissed about my home state turning blue as a result of fraud, and I want to see it return to its true colors

2020-11-10 02:53:54 UTC  

The amount of support I've seen for Trump here is unreal; everywhere you look, there's parades, flags hung from cars and houses, rallies, you name it. Hell, we even had the 96-mile long parade about 20 minutes away from my home, which was the longest Trump parade in American history

2020-11-10 02:59:32 UTC  

I remember in 2012, we didn’t have a great candidate against President Obama and once President Obama had won, most people lost interest in learning. I kept watching, because at that point it was important to me that at least the state I currently live in didn’t vote for him. And they didn’t, so after that I went to bed.

2020-11-10 03:32:54 UTC  


2020-11-10 03:33:09 UTC  

This guy just burnt some votes for Trump

2020-11-10 03:35:29 UTC  


2020-11-10 03:37:37 UTC  

maybe true, maybe it isn't