Message from @Pal3Rid3r

Discord ID: 776088169216999424

2020-11-11 14:08:11 UTC  

How will they straighten it out?

2020-11-11 14:09:40 UTC  

time will tell, trump has a plan, no way he doesnt

2020-11-11 14:10:29 UTC  

> @kalala water marked paper
@Pal3Rid3r I’m hearing the rumor of watermarked ballots. But what official report do we have on it?

2020-11-11 14:11:24 UTC  

It hasn’t been released yet publicly. I’m thinking it’s the icing on the cake.

2020-11-11 14:11:55 UTC  

But it’s part of the counterfeit measures states use to guard the election

2020-11-11 14:12:31 UTC

2020-11-11 14:12:31 UTC  

It just sounds like if they were to go through the trouble of creating a watermark- it could have been implemented at the time of original counting - and not some “gotcha” thing after the fact.

2020-11-11 14:13:00 UTC  

You can’t catch a criminal before they commit a crime. 😉

2020-11-11 14:13:07 UTC  

That just says some ballots have it

2020-11-11 14:13:27 UTC  

I can only show you what I know, I can’t make you believe it

2020-11-11 14:13:51 UTC  

I understand you can’t catch a criminal before the crime— but the point was to have a fair election, not catch people in crimes disguised as an election.

2020-11-11 14:14:18 UTC  

and if you want a fair election then you have to prove that the results are legitimate

2020-11-11 14:14:22 UTC  
2020-11-11 14:14:25 UTC  

@Pal3Rid3r and I appreciate your willingness to share. I want trump on office just as much as the next guy.

2020-11-11 14:14:49 UTC  

I will watch that video now. Be right back

2020-11-11 14:14:57 UTC  

losing and switching hundreds of thousands of votes shows that the current result is not legit

2020-11-11 14:15:09 UTC  

@kalala these people have been cheating for decades. We had to catch them in the act to make future elections fair.

2020-11-11 14:15:22 UTC  

Man I hope you’re right.

2020-11-11 14:15:53 UTC  

Listen to Thomas. He’s a bit of an odd ball, but hear him out. 😉

2020-11-11 14:17:03 UTC  

> You can’t catch a criminal before they commit a crime. 😉
@Pal3Rid3r that's some minority report deal lol

2020-11-11 14:17:18 UTC  

If there was no voter fraud then what are they so scared of?

2020-11-11 14:17:43 UTC  

If y'all are gonna discuss the election, let's take it to <#760648730431979560>

2020-11-11 14:17:43 UTC  

this is the same thing i was asking

2020-11-11 14:17:45 UTC  

They loved whistleblowers as long as it was against Trump.

2020-11-11 14:17:47 UTC  


2020-11-11 14:17:52 UTC  


2020-11-11 14:40:29 UTC  

What is a perry mason moment?

2020-11-11 14:41:25 UTC  

"Gotcha bitch"

2020-11-11 14:43:55 UTC  

> What is a perry mason moment?
@Mr.Shrek The ghost of Alex Trebek gives you $2,000.

2020-11-11 15:32:37 UTC  

The Lincoln Project is the second worst thing to share a name with a President!

The worst is me 😦

2020-11-11 15:37:16 UTC  

the corrupt establishment is revealing itself, very dangerous times we are in

2020-11-11 15:47:41 UTC  

From Kevin Roose of the New York Times: “For the conservatives who are mad about this: yes, it is possible for a story to be FACTUALLY ACCURATE *and* for it to be part of a misinformation campaign aimed at undermining confidence in an election,” This is straight out of Orwell's 1984. Truth that displeases the Left is no longer acceptable.

2020-11-11 15:48:28 UTC  

> The Lincoln Project is the second worst thing to share a name with a President!
> The worst is me 😦
@mathgrant You're missing Washington DC

2020-11-11 16:11:14 UTC  

Benford's Law and 2020 Presidential Voter Fraud. Robert A. Bonavito, CPA. Benford’s Law applied to the State of Georgia’s 2020 presidential election vote counts.
As a forensic accountant I have many ways and techniques to spot fraud. One of the ways to detect fraud, especially when analyzing tax returns, general ledgers and other items that contain a large amount of numerical data is by applying Benford’s Law.

Benford’s Law states that any random numbers will have a specific result as to which digits appear first in each data set. The law gives a prediction of frequency of leading digits using base-10 logarithms.