Message from @mathgrant
Discord ID: 776546842162102272
Sure, but what about the state legislatures, don't that have the last say in how their state votes?
That's a real question, I don't know
thinking Friday the 13th is going to be the unlucky day for the dims...
> @Chemyst I stopped using pedobook when I found out that they were openly allowing pedos to use their services to stalk children and lure them. Despite evidence put force by various police departments, pedobook will not take any action against those *things*.
> Yet, Pedobook will ban a conservative for pointing out voter fraud; goes to show who they truly support.
@Kalshion To be honest, I only use Facebook these days because it’s my only means of contact with a local convention where I’m planning a panel, and to transfer images from my Switch to my PC without an SD card.
I don't judge lol, I get that Facebook has waited until they created a dependence for average people until they started doing this garbage. Not anyone's fault but FB
> Sure, but what about the state legislatures, don't that have the last say in how their state votes?
@Chemyst I think the whole fraud will void the states control. It’s out of there hands now as the election is a matter of national security
@mathgrant do you also play smash?
i can invide you to a US and EU smash server if you want
> @Chemyst I stopped using pedobook when I found out that they were openly allowing pedos to use their services to stalk children and lure them. Despite evidence put force by various police departments, pedobook will not take any action against those *things*.
> Yet, Pedobook will ban a conservative for pointing out voter fraud; goes to show who they truly support.
I’m still using it to stay connected to a few good apples, and red pill the rest. Get insane hate etc. don’t care. Been censored and fb jailed multiple times lol. I see it as a badge of honor.
from Kerry Cassidy on FB:
Fwd: | Source reveals that the CIA ran the vote theft while Trump and the DoD documented the entire election coup
Yesterday, sources told us that the CIA was in charge of running the vote theft operation, with Gina Haspel deeply involved in straight up treason. On election night, President Trump and hand-selected DoD personnel were sitting in secure command room, watching and documenting the entire election theft taking place in real time.
All the vote theft was recorded in detail, and this vote theft was allowed to take place so that deep state treasonous actors could be caught in the act.
Big Tech, the mainstream media and the CIA are all conspiring to try to gaslight the nation and falsely claim that Biden won, even as they all know the election was stolen via voting machine software theft. This is why they are rushing to remove Trump from office right now, with John Brennan, Obama’s former CIA director, practically crapping himself on live TV and demanding Trump be immediately removed via the 25th Amendment.
That’s because Brennan and the other deep state actors know they’ve been caught. Trump has all the evidence. In fact, he has a detailed transaction log showing the fraud playing out in real time.
In the coming weeks, this information will be presented to the U.S. Supreme Court. We anticipate SCOTUS will invalidate the presidential election and kick the outcome back to Congress, where each state gets one vote to choose the next President. Republicans have a strong majority in the number of state legislatures they control, and they will easily win that vote. (Nancy Pelosi may refuse to allow the vote to take place, but if she does, she will be arrested for treason.)
Trump has fired former Defense Secretary Mark Esper and is cleaning house at the DoD in order to get the Pentagon ready for military arrests of the traitors who carried out this engineered election theft.
Hundreds (or thousands) of people will eventually be arrested and charged with various crimes,--FROM A SOURCE
Can we get the original FB link?
> @mathgrant do you also play smash?
@Meepling I said this in a DM, but I'll say it here, too: Nope.
aw, oke
@Pal3Rid3r Well, I guess that proves that Democrats aren't committing voter fraud, because if those ballots were fraudulent, they'd be straight Democrat tickets. Come on, man, why would they cheat and then not go all the way?
> @Pal3Rid3r Well, I guess that proves that Democrats aren't committing voter fraud, because if those ballots were fraudulent, they'd be straight Democrat tickets. Come on, man, why would they cheat and then not go all the way?
@mathgrant to obvious maybe?🙃
> That’s because Brennan and the other deep state actors know they’ve been caught. Trump has all the evidence. In fact, he has a detailed transaction log showing the fraud playing out in real time.
> In the coming weeks, this information will be presented to the U.S. Supreme Court. We anticipate SCOTUS will invalidate the presidential election and kick the outcome back to Congress, where each state gets one vote to choose the next President. Republicans have a strong majority in the number of state legislatures they control, and they will easily win that vote. (Nancy Pelosi may refuse to allow the vote to take place, but if she does, she will be arrested for treason.)
> Trump has fired former Defense Secretary Mark Esper and is cleaning house at the DoD in order to get the Pentagon ready for military arrests of the traitors who carried out this engineered election theft.
> Hundreds (or thousands) of people will eventually be arrested and charged with various crimes,--FROM A SOURCE
Again, not official, but he says this almost ver batim
> @mathgrant to obvious maybe?🙃
@Meepling Didn't stop them from bumping Biden by a bazillion votes all at once without Trump getting a small bump!
then i have no idea
@mathgrant maybe it was a time thing. These ballots were filled out on location
I can’t answer the why on how Dems think. “These people are dumb”
From Mark Levin on Parler
we're going to go into another war, either between the US and China, or ourselves
Nah, we aren't like the Dems. We are going to settle this with civility, and treat the lib-tards better than they deserve.
the leadership in china hates the west with a passion
yeah, if anything it'll be china that does something first
my guess, it'll spark off in india or taiwan
As long as Trump is in 4 more years, they are going to crumble... Their economy is sh-t.
@little hollow they did it's called covid
Yeah, China and Indian deaths at the mountain border 😦
I think China is pulling back though
> my guess, it'll spark off in india or taiwan
@Squibbo you think Russia would involve itself in any way?
The problem for China would be that they are very inexperienced in war.
Poor military logistics too. No great way for transportation for non-domestic wars.
potential for russia opportunistically get involved in some form is pretty decent, not sure if it'll be overt though
Nah, Trump has love-hate with China I think. If China doesn't exist, America would have twice the pressure on Russia.