Message from @Pal3Rid3r
Discord ID: 776640240843751455
Paper recycling facilities have a lot of work on their hands whoa!
secure from transparency
most securely engineered.
BCHD=2384. 21.19.3= 3/19/21 beginning of the trial!!
i want to see a big trial, Nuremberg style
Lots of names come to mind
They must be thinking of Janet napoopatono
lmao, I am using that napoopatono from now on
you know people want to talk about the 5 Million vote lead but if you take one look you can see the 5 Million is in one place
BallotPedia has no way of validating Washington state. 2/3 of the state counties will be bringing a 14th amendment claim that shows the majority of the counties reject Biden and the governor. We can show a clear density of population that if spread out into each county the vote would swing the state completely red. The are going to probably argue that the voters in rural areas votes are deluded
... I have a hard time believing Washington voted Trump
Did anyone get this bit blocking permissions error?
Typing '...' is a command so the bot gets summoned, it's not because of anything you wrote
@Chemyst most of Washington state is conservative, only Seattle and I-5 cities. Many were mad at Inslee's handling of CHAZ.
So why did the DHS say there's no evidence?? I'm confused
Hey, what was the other, technical anagram with the same initials ? I think watermark related? For “NCSWIC”?
> @Chemyst most of Washington state is conservative, only Seattle and I-5 cities. Many were mad at Inslee's handling of CHAZ.
@TedTheMan yep, I’d agree with that for NY too. Upstate is more red. City all blue.
Yeah, but when was the last time NY or Washington went Red?
That's true of most blue states though. If each county for one vote towards electors, there would be like 5 blue states.
I know, just sayin, if ever legal votes was fairly counted, ny might still go blue just because of Nyc, but I bet you many up north are conservative
Lotta apple farmers up there lol
> That's true of most blue states though. If each county for one vote towards electors, there would be like 5 blue states.
@NecessaryEagle yea, it’s all about the big cities now. They dominate their state.
I met someone from work recently that lives near "something" island. I forget the name of it. Southeast NY, and he said it's like really conservative. I was shocked to hear that.
I’m not at all
I grew up there
There’s trump trains all along Long Island
I'm from New Orleans, LA. I'm about as far from NY as you can get from a North-to-South scale
You may be thinking of Staten Island
Man, wtf, y'all got hella islands.