Message from @Pal3Rid3r

Discord ID: 777240049309843477

2020-11-14 16:56:07 UTC  

@1776 WELCOME TO THE Red Kiiiiiiiiingdom

2020-11-14 17:18:32 UTC

2020-11-14 17:24:18 UTC  

georgia is trump

2020-11-14 17:41:15 UTC  

@1776 This site neat thanks for sharing, I like you can toggle states "with/without fraud" lol. I wonder what some of these other states might look like if they were worth it (like CA or something has got to have a fair bit of that going on)

2020-11-14 17:47:52 UTC  

I think they should do an audit of others states, especially California and New York, not to try and win them, that's unlikely (though I suppose not impossible) this time around, but to show the people in those states who feel like there is no point in voting if they are conservative, that they have a chance to turn their states around in two years, in four, to show the people who feel like their vote didn't count, that yes, their vote did count and keep it up.

2020-11-14 17:55:13 UTC  

@StoryGirl83 Agreed. I live in Philly and I used to never vote because it was like "what does it matter anyways" and I think for folks in CA to have that combined with no confidence must have more an effect than we may realize.

2020-11-14 17:55:44 UTC  

I would love to know the results of a genuine fair election pretty sure they cheat everywhere so ALL the numbers are off

2020-11-14 17:56:57 UTC  

I saw something that showed all 50 states with believed bad votes this election. It was impressive. I forget where someone posted it, but I did screenshot it, so let me look.

2020-11-14 17:57:58 UTC  

@margarita That is possible too surely yeah but fair is fair I suppose

2020-11-14 18:02:32 UTC  

states that are predominately dims would not need to manipulate elections... those that needed to were enabled by various methods

2020-11-14 18:11:08 UTC  

> I saw something that showed all 50 states with believed bad votes this election. It was impressive. I forget where someone posted it, but I did screenshot it, so let me look.
@StoryGirl83 could you send it to me plsss

2020-11-14 18:16:47 UTC Found it. Not sure how accurate it is or anything (indicates 0 bad votes in Nevada for example), but you can find it here.

2020-11-14 18:17:49 UTC  

Could be that these are the only ones they believe are provable.

2020-11-14 18:22:59 UTC  
2020-11-14 18:26:19 UTC  

<:salut:730846445732888630> <:AmericanFlag:720120797837918288> <:TrumpEmoji:720119339185078332> <:AlexJones:736781863737229324>

2020-11-14 18:32:29 UTC  


2020-11-14 18:34:03 UTC  

i keep thinking Trump has a fuxxxxx time machine

2020-11-14 18:36:56 UTC  

Overhead view

2020-11-14 18:48:33 UTC Damn I wish I was there!!!๐Ÿ‡บ๐Ÿ‡ธ๐Ÿ‡บ๐Ÿ‡ธ๐Ÿ‡บ๐Ÿ‡ธ

2020-11-14 19:14:08 UTC  

Hi Everyone! I love it here on the Zeducation discord! I used to go to TheDonald but there are some really mean people over there (not everyone but it's no fun to get called "stupid" and other names.) So thanks for welcoming me here! Love you guys!

2020-11-14 19:29:44 UTC  

We are glad to have you here. ๐Ÿ™‚

2020-11-14 19:30:22 UTC  


2020-11-14 19:30:37 UTC  

> states that are predominately dims would not need to manipulate elections...
@1776 Are you sure those are Dem states? Maybe they were red states all along. Polls and vote fraud may just be rampant in those states.

2020-11-14 19:31:27 UTC  

It's always best to make it seem you won the popular vote.

2020-11-14 20:33:24 UTC  
2020-11-14 20:57:26 UTC  

@Alexis Fontana ... perhaps not entire states are dims... but there are urban areas in certain states where dims have congregated in large numbers... for instance there are government workers and contractors in the DC metropolitan area that vote Maryland and Virgina usually have enough votes to give dims a majority...

2020-11-14 21:08:45 UTC  

its almost like people say in their vote should be equal woah

2020-11-14 21:11:05 UTC  

> its almost like people say in their vote should be equal woah
@chaz Ironically that would be unfair representation of all individuals. Just because the majority thinks a certain way does not make it right nor does it mean it cannot be oppressive.

2020-11-14 21:11:55 UTC  

โ€œThis shit ainโ€™t about Trump anymore, they out here stealing from Yeezy, this ainโ€™t right,โ€ said Kanye fan Chris S., in Detroit.

2020-11-14 21:12:14 UTC  

Uh, lol.

2020-11-14 21:12:44 UTC  

@Dark that is true, and correct me if I'm wrong but isn't what "the majority thinks" the definition of democracy?

2020-11-14 21:13:16 UTC  

It is, that is why thankfully the united states is a federal, constitutional republic and not a democracy.

2020-11-14 21:13:48 UTC  

I mean I don't care about his bid for president, but seriously, if people voted for him, then their votes should be counted for him. Same with Jo Jorgeson if any of her votes were stolen from her.

2020-11-14 21:18:23 UTC  

Democrats depriving a black man of his constitutional right. Some things never change.