Message from @john23

Discord ID: 777304672217464832

2020-11-14 19:30:37 UTC  

> states that are predominately dims would not need to manipulate elections...
@1776 Are you sure those are Dem states? Maybe they were red states all along. Polls and vote fraud may just be rampant in those states.

2020-11-14 19:31:27 UTC  

It's always best to make it seem you won the popular vote.

2020-11-14 20:33:24 UTC  
2020-11-14 20:57:26 UTC  

@Alexis Fontana ... perhaps not entire states are dims... but there are urban areas in certain states where dims have congregated in large numbers... for instance there are government workers and contractors in the DC metropolitan area that vote Maryland and Virgina usually have enough votes to give dims a majority...

2020-11-14 21:08:45 UTC  

its almost like people say in their vote should be equal woah

2020-11-14 21:11:05 UTC  

> its almost like people say in their vote should be equal woah
@chaz Ironically that would be unfair representation of all individuals. Just because the majority thinks a certain way does not make it right nor does it mean it cannot be oppressive.

2020-11-14 21:11:55 UTC  

“This shit ain’t about Trump anymore, they out here stealing from Yeezy, this ain’t right,” said Kanye fan Chris S., in Detroit.

2020-11-14 21:12:14 UTC  

Uh, lol.

2020-11-14 21:12:44 UTC  

@Dark that is true, and correct me if I'm wrong but isn't what "the majority thinks" the definition of democracy?

2020-11-14 21:13:16 UTC  

It is, that is why thankfully the united states is a federal, constitutional republic and not a democracy.

2020-11-14 21:13:48 UTC  

I mean I don't care about his bid for president, but seriously, if people voted for him, then their votes should be counted for him. Same with Jo Jorgeson if any of her votes were stolen from her.

2020-11-14 21:18:23 UTC  

Democrats depriving a black man of his constitutional right. Some things never change.

2020-11-14 21:23:06 UTC  

Kanye joins the legal battle now. joe fucked up now

2020-11-14 21:30:08 UTC  

> Democrats depriving a black man of his constitutional right. Some things never change.
@Rev lmao

2020-11-14 22:38:57 UTC  

> @Dark that is true, and correct me if I'm wrong but isn't what "the majority thinks" the definition of democracy?
@chaz The only democracy we have is how we elect our officials. That’s it. 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸

2020-11-14 22:40:04 UTC  

There are no blue states. There are only red states with blue spots in them. Mostly at where major highways cross. 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸

2020-11-14 22:40:47 UTC  

Dem logic: Let's base federal policy based on failing local policies

2020-11-14 22:40:50 UTC  

@chaz Does this look blue to you?

2020-11-14 22:48:51 UTC  

@chaz Trump even said if it was popular vote it would be easier. He could just campaign in 3 states (California, Texas, New York) vs 30+

2020-11-14 22:49:25 UTC  

Do you want to live in a Country decided by 3 states? Hence why the founders gave us a Republic...

2020-11-14 22:51:15 UTC  

And even then it’s really just big cities within those states

2020-11-14 22:54:28 UTC  
2020-11-14 23:29:45 UTC  

I’m sorry **WHAT?!**

2020-11-14 23:42:18 UTC  

Holy fucking shit watch that video

2020-11-15 00:42:28 UTC  

one at a time, first, yes we are a democratic republic but that still requires a demorcatic vote of offcails whose polocies we agree with, second post, yeah because I live in an urban center where a majority of a states votes are located, I am sorry you are mad butthurt about voter equality. and john23 onto you, the electoral collage is determined by the voters in a state, making each state a democracy. though personally I belive the winner take all system is outdated and we should have the number of electoral votes in relation to the votes of the state, I also belive we should increase the total number of electoral votes so the ratio of votes to people is more even nation wide.

2020-11-15 00:44:59 UTC  

at issue

2020-11-15 01:20:57 UTC

2020-11-15 01:38:07 UTC  

@Bearsss Trolls gonna troll, it's all they got.

2020-11-15 02:36:39 UTC

2020-11-15 02:36:45 UTC  


2020-11-15 02:37:38 UTC  

Can we get more on this? I really need to hear that as something concrete

2020-11-15 02:37:46 UTC  

uh what

2020-11-15 02:37:49 UTC  

i think that is a meme