Message from @Pal3Rid3r
Discord ID: 778448639915327489
I deleted it before a mod saw lol
What chat should I use?
He found you out! Run!
Biden saud there is voter fruad
He did say he ran the most inclusive voter fraud organization in history
I think that’s proof enough
Not just teachers. All respectable academic professors in all fields discourage Wikipedia and other sources that use the same Wikipedia framework.
Another county found more ballots for Trump in GA?
Wow, the Discord reply feature is based. Love it.
Steve Turley is based and epic.
The GOP in Georgia needs to be PURGED.
They are just swamp monsters.
It'd probably be far easier to list the members of our government that aren't globalist backed puppets than the ones who are
The entire GOP establishment needs to be purged and Trump will make sure that happens once he gets inaugurated.
Watch the full speech Nick Fuentes gave at the Million MAGA March to know the people that betrayed Trump during in times of needs.
I bet they're the same people who were never-Trumpers until he won
Most of them probably, yeah.
I mean Ben Shapiro was one
Not one of the annoying turn coats but he still was one
@Smash Boy I hope to God you are right because it's my state and it is all kinds of F'ed up right now.
Mitch McConnel, Dan Crenshaw and Nicky Halley are major figures that said nothing on the obvious fraud nor backed Trump when he needed them. And Ben Shapiro just went asshat mode during the Nov 3rd night before the famous "Biden vote jump".
"nO hE dIdN'T wIn tHe eLeCtIoN aNd iT'S vErY iRrEsPoNsIbLe fOr hIm tO sAy sO."
-Ben Shapiro on Twitter
But he did, Ben, all he is doing is fighting the fraud that wants to steal it from him.
Fraud should always be exposed no matter how it affects the election
More that Trump winning, Americans are being cheated and the future of our Republic is being threatened. The correct response to that is not, "Meh. We'll try again in 4 years"
Which is more infuriating why people like Nicky Halley haven't done shit to back up and support Trump's effort. Shapiro's tweet was cringe yet even he recognizes there is shady shit going on.
It’s either we go banana republic or we don’t
Yeah I hate that mentality. "Meh. We'll try again"
These people just don't get it. If they can steal this election now unopposed, there's no limit to how much they can do it again the next four years.
Exactly. If they get away with something this blatant, they will not only keep doing it, they will use the next 4 years to make themselves more powerful, while making us weaker.
Even if trump doesn’t win but exposes fraud it’s still a win for our republic
For the sake of argument, let's say we do lose legitimately, legally; and we have the Senate and HoR majorly republican; we are still getting stuck with the corrupt establishment that will most likely fuck us over and sell us out to the globalists midway to the election for an America First candidate to slip away.