Message from @matthew’s’hoes

Discord ID: 778837901789495356

2020-11-19 03:07:53 UTC  

You also have the right to keep and bear a viking axe. That's epic.

2020-11-19 03:07:56 UTC  

Ahhh I was only joking with you anyway

2020-11-19 03:08:08 UTC  

and now the older son which is either 16 or 15 is posting snaps about shooting a revolver at cans

2020-11-19 03:08:28 UTC  

so I think that education worked out for him

2020-11-19 03:09:04 UTC  

@Griz David took Goliath down with a rock and a sling. Get creative. 😉

2020-11-19 03:10:18 UTC  

Diy a slamfire 12ga

2020-11-19 03:10:30 UTC  

That rock had a little bit of power of God in it though lol

2020-11-19 03:11:59 UTC  

We all have that power, it’s up to you to find and use it😉

2020-11-19 03:13:01 UTC  

Just got home from work. What's the latest on Team Trump's fight?

2020-11-19 03:13:04 UTC  

Ve con Dios

2020-11-19 03:13:27 UTC  

Go with God

2020-11-19 03:19:36 UTC  

*Vaya con Dios.

2020-11-19 03:21:46 UTC  
2020-11-19 03:56:06 UTC

2020-11-19 03:56:38 UTC

2020-11-19 03:56:56 UTC  


2020-11-19 04:23:45 UTC

2020-11-19 04:26:06 UTC  

@matthew’s’hoes I like how we posted the same information.

2020-11-19 04:26:18 UTC  

So Wayne County GOP was going to do some sort of thing for Trump, but they were bullied out of it because they were spineless, but now they have grown spines and are back in it?

2020-11-19 04:26:35 UTC  

Shit didn’t see it @Rocci lol

2020-11-19 04:26:42 UTC  

Let's hope the spines don't break. 🙂

2020-11-19 04:26:55 UTC  

They are being strengthened

2020-11-19 04:27:06 UTC  

You can't go back after going back right?

2020-11-19 04:27:14 UTC  

They are in it now

2020-11-19 04:27:35 UTC  

They are only going to certify if votes get recounted inspected

2020-11-19 04:27:50 UTC  

We are going to WIN Michigan!

2020-11-19 04:28:23 UTC  

We put up with 3 years of Russia. I am down for 4 more of "Trump stole it"

2020-11-19 04:29:26 UTC  

Really? What makes u say that @Rocci

2020-11-19 04:31:47 UTC  

@matthew’s’hoes It's just some hope. 🙂

2020-11-19 04:31:55 UTC  

Ah good

2020-11-19 04:41:34 UTC  

And the fight to hide the fraud continues...

2020-11-19 04:53:21 UTC  

Will the Trump campain going to take action to change the people selected as recounters? Will they investigate the people who hired the recounters? Can they set up a sting operation to catch the Dems comiting more voter fraud in the recounts? (Find out next time on Dragon Ball Z)...jokes aside what is Trump going to do about this?

2020-11-19 04:57:30 UTC  

IDK... The GOP has failed America. And if anything is going to happen, it needs to happen NOW.

2020-11-19 04:57:31 UTC  

Yo dog.. I heard you like election certification reversals.

2020-11-19 04:57:53 UTC  

Why bc you said so?@ErrantBelle