Message from @Dank_Furry_Pirate

Discord ID: 780365256685649950

2020-11-23 03:39:17 UTC  

Will do. How do you link the room title like that?

2020-11-23 03:39:48 UTC

2020-11-23 03:42:10 UTC  

Just do the # and then the name of the room

2020-11-23 04:03:48 UTC  

salty cracker is just wrapping up. made me feel so good about sidney. he said they're setting her loose like a bark bark nom nom fur missile to go fuck shit up on behalf of the american public so she doesnt have to shape all of her cases to djt's election victory and so she can deep clean

2020-11-23 04:10:06 UTC  

@sniffles I love SaltyCracker, a very good motivational speaker

2020-11-23 05:03:05 UTC  

@sniffles may i ask on why did the trump team distance them selves from her? just asking

2020-11-23 05:12:37 UTC  

@yoshe Depends who you ask. Theories vary. Officially she is not on the payroll, but she did a press conferencee with the team. She also is still working on fraud as an independent entity.

2020-11-23 05:47:53 UTC  

so... are we screwed?

2020-11-23 05:48:14 UTC  


2020-11-23 05:48:23 UTC  

: )

2020-11-23 05:51:56 UTC  

Definitely not

2020-11-23 06:21:28 UTC  

Apparently, Venezuelans own the intellectual property for Dominion which is responsible for the voter fraud in Venezuela and now the 2020 election in the U.S.

2020-11-23 06:21:52 UTC  

But it's just a conspiracy theory, boo boo 🕵🏿

2020-11-23 06:37:39 UTC  

Yes of course

2020-11-23 07:14:07 UTC  

Is there a way I can install dominion in my bank account? Asking for a friend...

2020-11-23 07:24:00 UTC  

It is a theory about conspiracy, so yeah, I guess it’s a conspiracy theory . . . no I take that back. If you are saying that is fact, then it is a conspiracy fact or a conspiracy reality. It’s a conspiracy all right, but conspiracies are not bad on the person spotting them. They are bad on the ones conspiring. The world tries to make people who spot conspiracies think that it’s bad that they spot them when in reality we need more people to spot them and find out the truth about them. Are the conspiracies real? Because if they are, they need to be stopped (because other than stuff like conspiring for surprise parties, most conspiracies are bad).

2020-11-23 08:31:17 UTC  
2020-11-23 09:06:51 UTC  

@StoryGirl83 oh yeah i wasn't downplaying the story. I was being sarcastic.

2020-11-23 10:27:05 UTC  

Salty is the best hype man. Watch this if you feel discouraged.

2020-11-23 11:10:17 UTC  

I’m worried at the absence of attack, currently on the left side. All those Twitter warnings / CNN headlines are just defensive and passive aggressive, but I’m afraid they’re not keeping silent and passive because they are disorganized and naked, but rather because they are going to launch their own H bomb. Silence is never a good sign during a battle.

2020-11-23 11:13:36 UTC  

I’d like to hope we got a lot going for our side of the battle though.

2020-11-23 11:24:27 UTC  

Well chances are good they are securing thier own house first before attacking and therefore we will hear about a lot of covid deaths in higher up people if that's the case.

2020-11-23 11:34:00 UTC  

It's falling apart, IMO. They keep saying they'll prove it "this week" but they have yet to get anywhere. I'm tellin ya, this ain't good. I'd love to be wrong.

2020-11-23 11:37:39 UTC  

They’ve presented a lot of evidence already, it’s not covered by legacy media, but yeah, I think all we can do is hope what they got is real and that it’s going to make a difference, cause I like low taxes and cheap gas.

2020-11-23 11:49:55 UTC  

Oh that’s rich, goes to show, it’s better to remain quiet until things are actually final, otherwise you’re bound to reveal you’re a fool.

2020-11-23 11:53:20 UTC  

I haven't watched the video or heard from anywhere, but I hope that it is a damn audit and not just a recount. Maybe since Kemp found his balls and suggested an audit we will actually get one.

2020-11-23 11:55:38 UTC  

I hope during the next Governor Election, the Republicans will offer a Nation Populist instead of some elitist Neo-Con.

2020-11-23 11:57:13 UTC  

I know for sure that the Socialist Ogre will run again, so it is quite possible that we will get another Republican Governor, especially if Trump gets Re-Elected.

2020-11-23 12:34:45 UTC  

Kemp is still better than commie Stacy Abrams

2020-11-23 12:39:59 UTC  

You are not wrong, but damn do I still dislike him.

2020-11-23 12:51:41 UTC  

That's understandable. FL and GA both got lucky by keeping Andrew Gillum and Stacy Abrams out of office. Like, we dodged *major* bullets.

2020-11-23 12:52:18 UTC  

Because they're both corrupt and both funded by the radical left and George Soros.

2020-11-23 13:29:57 UTC  
