Message from @matthew’s’hoes

Discord ID: 782978550026207243

2020-11-30 05:11:54 UTC  

Well the judge ruled at first that we (Powells team) were able to investigate the dominion voting systems, then the same judge ruled that we are not allowed to investigate them, and now he is reversing his reversal saying we have till dec 2nd to look into the machines

2020-11-30 05:16:54 UTC  

@rough what does this allow us to find? The coding?

2020-11-30 05:16:59 UTC  


2020-11-30 05:17:14 UTC  

as well as if changes in the machine occured

2020-11-30 05:17:16 UTC  

Yeah u know more about that then me

2020-11-30 05:34:23 UTC  

few online programs offer non stop election corruption coverage, this is one of them -

2020-11-30 09:54:05 UTC

2020-11-30 13:08:37 UTC  

Shit 5 dead that’s bad American hero’s killed defending a corrupt election. They wasn’t to know they was was on the wrong side they was just obeying orders. I pray this is false for this lose of Americans is awful Biden has blood on his hands.

2020-11-30 13:34:46 UTC  

I just had a stroke trying to read that

2020-11-30 13:39:39 UTC  


2020-11-30 13:41:53 UTC  

Great documentary about how Trump is dismantling the central baking system and giving the power back to the people.

2020-11-30 14:02:11 UTC  

> CIA were the bad guys
when are they not the bad guys of the American People?

2020-11-30 14:37:13 UTC  

Really? I wouldn’t of thought

2020-11-30 14:48:24 UTC  

So, this will now be done with smaller ovens?

2020-11-30 15:19:03 UTC  

@BobiusPrime na, restarting the metals refining industry in a few states, going to need some kindling and the corrupt bankers make good fuel to start the fires burning again

2020-11-30 15:20:06 UTC  

most likely not so much to bring usa back to an industrial giant, but mostly good enough to the old high quality standards we used to set in the past in the world of quality materials

2020-11-30 15:21:04 UTC  

imagine manufacturing stuff to last

2020-11-30 15:21:29 UTC  

yep... got some of those things still around the house

2020-11-30 15:21:45 UTC  

still got dad's old tools ...all made in usa

2020-11-30 15:22:38 UTC  

few tools not made in usa, but to good old usa quality standards...or the usa wouldn't have allowed it to be imported at the time

2020-11-30 15:23:08 UTC  

i got old hand crank drills and screwdrivers too

2020-11-30 16:02:29 UTC  

starting soon

2020-11-30 16:03:34 UTC  

Let’s get it

2020-11-30 16:03:43 UTC  


2020-11-30 16:04:01 UTC  

So.. i'm kind of confused about the process.. assuming the judge rules in favor of trump.. will this state flip? or is this for something else

2020-11-30 16:05:35 UTC  


2020-11-30 16:05:53 UTC  

yep, because Biden is only leading by 4k votes in AZ

2020-11-30 16:06:08 UTC  

If the they rule fraud happened, and the fraud is enough, it flips

2020-11-30 16:06:20 UTC  

what is the process of the state flipping?

2020-11-30 16:06:29 UTC  

it can't just go red right away